/ MA-LI-U /1. v., Ma and liu, preservative. To attend to one; to regard or listen to one's request.
2. To turn a compassionate eye upon one; to be favorably disposed towards one; to look upon one with kindness when needing compassion. Puk. 32:12.
3. To hearken to advice; to turn from a purpose. Kanl. 21:18.
4. To be accepted as an offering. Oihk. 1:4.
5. To be gracious to one; to turn towards one; to have respect to. Kin. 4:4
6. Hoomaliu. To be entreated for a person or thing. 2. Sam. 21:14.
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kikino | noun / MA-LI-U /1. s., A chief deified and become an aumakua.
2. A deep sound, as of an ancient deeptoned instrument (shell), like the bellowing of a bull.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
kikino | noun / mā'-lī'-u /n., A chief deified.
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kikino | noun / mă-lī'-u /n., A peculiar property of the voice; depth of tone; a deep sound.
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/ mă'-lī'-ti /1. v., To attend to one; to regard or listen to one’s request.
2. v., To turn a compassionate eye upon one; to be favorably disposed towards one; to look upon one with kindness when needing compassion.
3. v., To hearken to advice; to turn from a purpose.
4. v., To be accepted as an offering.
5. v., To be gracious to one; to turn toward one; to have respect to.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
Point, Ke-āhole qd., Hawaiʻi, once famous for surfing. (For. Sel. 268.) Street, Ka-lihi Uka, Honolulu. Lit., look upon.
Chief, deified, who entered the ranks of ʻaumakua. (A.)
Chief deified and become an ʻaumakua, a family or personal god; to be accepted as an offering. (Oihk. 1:4.)
Chief deified and become an ʻaumakua.
to give attention, heed; be civil.
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