Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ maka.iwa / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. n., Mother-of-pearl eyes, as in an image, especially of the god Lono.

2. (Cap.) n., Nine guiding stars.

  • References:
    • Johnson and Mahelona 74.

Nā LepiliTags: astronomy

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

No base definition, only supplemental content.

  • 1. Bay, beach, dive site, Mauna Lani, Hawaiʻi. Man-made, calcareous beach at the south end of the bay. The dive site is off the beach.
  • 2. Surf site, Kapaʻa, Kauaʻi. Makaiwa is the name of an ancient surf site here that is mentioned by historian Abraham Fornander is his account of Moikeha, a famous voyager, who landed nearby at Wailua.
  • 3. Beach, point, Halepalaoa, Lānaʻi. Calcareous sand beach at Makaiwa Point, the site of Club Lānaʻi.
  • 4. Bay, fishing site, landing, Kailua, Maui. Former canoe landing and a fishing site noted for akule, or big-eyed scad.
  • 5. Beach, landing, Punaluʻu, Oʻahu. Site of the former Punaluʻu Landing near Punaluʻu Stream.

Literally, mother-of-pearl eyes (as in an image).

Nā LepiliTags: Hawaiʻi Kauaʻi Lānaʻi Maui Oʻahu

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Mother-of-pearl eyes, as in an image, especially of the god Lono. Lit., mysterious eye. (PE.)

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