Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., Eye, eye of a needle, face, countenance; presence, sight, view; lens of a camera.

  • Examples:
    • Maka pōniuniu pōloli, eyes faint with hunger.
    • Nānā maka, to look, but not help.
    • Hoʻokēāmaka, to be partial, show favoritism.
    • ʻOi kaʻakaʻa ka maka, while the eyes are open [and there is still life].
    • ʻIke maka, to see for oneself.
    • Hōʻike ā maka, to reveal in the light, as of something long hidden.
    • Kuʻi ka hekili i ka maka o ka ʻōpua, the thunder claps in the presence of the cloud bank.
    • Puka nā maka i ke ao, the eyes appear in the light [said of birth].
    • ʻAʻole e moe kuʻu maka ā kō kuʻu makemake, my eyes won't sleep until my wish is accomplished [said with determination].
    • ʻO nā maka wale nō kēia i hele mai nei, only the eyes have come [said by one not bringing a gift, as was customary].
    • Mōhala nā maka, the eyes are open [a frank countenance].
  • References:

2. n., Beloved one, favorite; person.

  • Examples:
    • He kau maka ʻoia na kona hoaloha, he is the object of his friend's affection and respect.
  • References:

3. n., Point, bud, protuberance; center of a flower, including usually both the stamens and pistils; nipple, teat; sharp edge or blade of an instrument; point of a fishhook; beginning, commencement; source; any new plant shoot coming up. Figuratively, descendant.

  • Examples:
    • Ke ʻau mahope a ka maka (Lunk. 3.22), the haft after the blade.
    • Nā maka o Hā-loa i luna (FS 39), descendants of Hā-loa above.
    • Maka mua o ka huakaʻi (FS 137), beginning of the procession.
    • Maka o ka makani, beginning or origin of the wind.
  • References:
    • PPN mata.

4. n., Mesh of a net, mesh in plaiting; stitch, in sewing.

5. vs., Raw, as fish; uncooked; green, unripe, as fruit; fresh as distinct from salted provisions; wet, as sand.

6. Probably same as manu, canoe bow and stern pieces

7. n., A seaweed.

8. n., Varieties of sweet potato.

9. n., Recognition token.

  • References:
    • For. 5:171.

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No base definition, only supplemental content.

  • References:

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s., The eye; the organ of sight; aole e ike ka maka i kona pula iho, the eye does not see its own mote. Proverb. The face; the countenance; he maka no he maka, face to face. Ezek. 20:35.

2. The point or edge of an instrument, as a knife or sword; maka o ka pahi kaua; the blade of a knife or sword in distinction from the handle. Lunk. 3:22.

3. The bud of a plant.

4. The teat or nipple of a female.

5. The presence of one, i.e., his favor or blessing. Puk. 33:14, 15. Manao i ka maka, to regard a person. kanl. 10:17.

6. Fig. A guide; a director. Nah. 10:31.

7. Hoomaka. A destruction; a slaughter. 1 Sam. 5:9.

8. The budding or first shooting of a plant; hence,

9. The beginning or commencement of a work or an action. See HOOMAKA.

10. Name of a very hard stone, out of which maika stones were made.

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v., Hoomaka. See above, 8 and 9. To begin; to commence, as a work or job; to commence doing a thing; komo wau i ke kula i hoomakaia'i ka naauao, I entered the school that knowledge might be commenced. NOTE—Hoomaka is used as opposed to hooki.

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1. adj., Raw in opposition to cooked, as raw, uncooked flesh.

2. Fresh, as fresh provisions in distinction from salted.

3. White as a potato well cooked and dry; moa a maka.

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adv., See maka, edge of an instrument, by the edge; with the edge; alaila, ooki maka koi hookahi iho ana, then he cut with the edge of the adze (koi) one stroke (one bringing down.)

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n., A very hard stone of which maika stones were made.

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1. n., The eye; the organ of sight: Aole e ike ka maka i kona pula iho, the eye does not see its own mote.

2. n., The face; the countenance; he maka no he maka, face to face.

3. n., The point or edge of an instrument, as a knife or sword; maka o ka pahi kaua; the blade in distinction from the handle.

4. n., The bud of a plant.

5. n., The teat or nipple of a female.

6. n., The presence of one, that is, his favor or blessing: E hele pu no ko'u maka me oe, My presence shall go with thee.

7. n., Fig. A guide; a director: E lilo mai oe i maka no makou, Thou mayest be eyes to us.

8. n., Same as makaa.

9. n., See hoomaka, a beginning.

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adv., [Maka, edge of an instrument.] By the edge; with the edge: alaila, ooki maka koi hookahi iho ana, then he cut with the edge of the adze (koi) one stroke (one bringing down).

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1. adj., Raw in opposition to cooked: partly cooked.

2. adj., Fresh, as fresh provisions in distinction from salted.

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'Point, eye'.

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Raw, in contrast to cooked, as with any raw, uncooked flesh.

Net of four-finger-size mesh. (PE.)

Eye, organ of sight.

Little rootlets, the“eyes” of the sweet potato, growing on the vine below the petiole. Growth at this point is closely watched. (NP 132.)

Edge or point of an instrument, as a sword. Maka o ka pahi kaua, blade of a sword. (Lunk. 3:22.)

I. Ma ka Aina Hikina, eia kekahi hoopai i ka hewa, o ka hoopaa i na maka i ka pilali, e nana Is. 6:10. 44:18. Ma ia aina, nana mau no na kauwa i ko lakou ma haku, i ike i ko lakou makemake, nolaila paha kela olelo ma Hal. 123:2, 'E like me na maka o na kauwakane i ka lima o ko lakou haku,' a pela aku. Ma ka maka ua ikea ke ano o ka naau, nolaila kela mau olelo, 'maka lokomaikai,' a me ka 'maka ino,'Sol. 22:9; 23:6; 'maka kiekie,'a me ka 'makaleho,' Sol. 6:17; Is. 3:16. O 'ke kuko o ka maka,' 1 Ioa. 2:16, oia ka makemake o kela lealea keia lealea o ke ao nei. 'O ka maka i hoowahawaha i kona makuakane ' ua hoahe-

face, eye, edge, point, mesh etc.; very hard stone: raw, uncooked; green, unripe.

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