Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. n. Gill plate.

2. Redup. of maha #6, to rest, stop. (Laie 463.)

3. vs. To show or feel pleasure, love, affection; affectionate. Ka pili mahamaha, affectionate relationship. hoʻo.maha.maha Caus/sim.

4. Redup. of maha #7.

5. n. A variety of taro, sometimes qualified by keʻokeʻo, white.

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v. To glow, as with friendly feelings towards one; to expect a meeting with a friend. Laieik. 58. To be glad to see an old friend or relative.

s. See MAHA. A fondling; the exercise of affection, friendship or hospitality.

2. The temples of the head; the sides of a substance.

3. The gills or fins of a fish. Kanl. 14:9. Also the fore fins of a fish.

4. The wings (eheu) of the malolo or flying-fish.

5. The things or appendages which belong to the wings; na mea maha, na mea maha, na mea eheu.

6. The preputium (paha.)

Mahamaha (mă'-hā-mă'-ha), n.

/ mă'-hā-mă'-ha / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. [Maha, to be friendly.] A fondling; the exercise of affection, friendship or hospitality.

2. Space on either side of the head and back of the forehead; temple.

2. The sides of any material substance.

4. The gills of a fish.

5. The wings of the malolo or flying fish.

6. The appendages or wings which belong to any structure.

7. The preputium or foreskin.

Mahamaha (mā'-hă-mă'-ha), v.

/ mā'-hă-mă'-ha / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To glow, as with friendly feelings towards one; to expect a meeting with a friend. (Laieik. p. 58.) To be glad to see an old friend or relative: Mahamaha mai la ka wahine me ka manao e hele aku ana a halawai.

Gills or fins of a fish; fore-fins of a fish. (A.)

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