Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. vs., Faded, wilted, stained, discolored, blushing; defeated; passed away, perished; to have lost a former attractiveness; to fade.

  • Source:
    • PPN maʻa.
  • Examples:
    • Mā wale, to fade quickly, as earthly glory.
    • Ua mā ka manaʻo kaumaha, the sad thoughts have faded away.

2. Particle, following names of persons. And company, and others, and wife, and husband, and associates.

  • Source:
    • PNP maʻa.
  • Examples:
    • Ke aliʻi mā, the chief and his retinue.
    • Hina mā, Hina and the others; Hina and her husband, friends.
    • Mea mā, they.
  • References:
    • Gram. 8.7.5.

3. Same as mākahakaha, to clear.

  • Source:
    • Possibly PPN maʻa.

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pākuʻina kaumuaprefix Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. Short for maka, eye, as in hoʻomāʻē, māʻeo, mākahi, mākole.

2. Short for maka, mesh, as in māhā, mākahi, mālua, etc.

3. Short for make, desire, as in hoʻomāʻakaʻaka.

4. mā-, ma- Stative prefixes indicating quality or state: ʻalo, māʻalo; hai, māhai.

5. Exclusiveness in first person dual and plural pronouns (mākou, māua) and possessives. (Gram. 8.2.) (PPN ma(a).)

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See koʻi hoʻomā.

preposition, Indefinite locative, instrumental, manner. At, in, on, beside, along, through; by means of, because of, in behalf of, according to. This very common particle is perhaps more specific than the similar i, at, in; it is written in the dictionary as a part of the following words: ʻaneʻi, hea, hope, kai, laila, lalo, luna, muli, uka. With meaning “because” it is frequently followed by o, of. (Ma is frequently pronounced mā before primary stress: Gram. 9.4.)

  • Examples:
    • E noho ana ma Ulukou i Waikīkī (FS 267), living at Ulukou place in Waikīkī.
    • Maʻaneʻi, here.
    • Makai, at the sea, seaward.
    • Mauka, inland, at the mountains.
    • ʻAʻole au i hele mai ma ke ʻano ikaika, i hele mai au ma ka mākaʻikaʻi (For. 5:507), I didn't come in an aggressive way, I came to sightsee.
    • Ma o wai ʻoukou i pili ai? Through whom are you related? Kona make ʻana ma o Kawelo ala, his death at the hands of Kawelo there.
    • Ua hele mai au ma ona ala, I came for his sake.
  • References:

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kikinonoun Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

kikino, As a degree at a university. Master's, Master of Arts.

  • Pronounced mūʻā.
  • Source:
    • English.
  • References:

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Master’s, Master of Arts, as a degree at a university. MA.

  • Pronounced mūʻā.
  • References:

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v. To fade, as a leaf or flower; to wilt.

2. To blush, as one ashamed.

3. To wear out, as a person engaged in too much business. Puk. 18:18.

4. Hoo. To fail; to perish, as a person or thing.

adj. or a particle, which mostly follows proper names of persons, and signifies an attendant upon, or persons belonging to, or accompanying; as, ke alii ma, the chief and his train; an officer and his posse; the master of a family with his children and domestics; Hoapili ma, Hoapili and those known to be about him. It includes persons in all capacities from an equal with the one named to all connected with him, even to his servants. Nah. 16:8. NOTE.—It is possible that the double ma or mama which enters most of the numeral adjectives both cardinal and ordinal above umi or ten, should be referred to this particle.

prep. At; by; in; through; unto; by means of; according to, &c. Gram.§ 67 and§ 68, 1. Ma laua o, together with; haalele oia i ka aina o Wailuku ma laua o Waihee, he forsook the region of Wailuku together with that of Waihee; in this case it is synonymous with laua me and a me.

The syllable ma is used for several purposes.

1. Ma is formative of many nouns, in which case it seems to imply fullness, solidity, addition, &c., to the original word.

2. It often carries the idea of accompanying, together, &c. See MALANA, MAMAMAKE, to die together, &c.

3. Ma is used in swearing or taking an oath (1 Sam. 17:43, 55), and signifies by. See the preposition ma.

4. Ma is also used sometimes like the emphatic o in such phrases as this: ma kela mau mea elua, ua loaa paka no i na kanawai.

The syllable ma is used for several purposes.

1. Ma is formative of many nouns, in which case it seems to imply fullness, solidity, addition, etc., to the original word.

2. It often carries the idea of accompanying, together, etc.

Ma (mā),

/ mā / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

numeral adj. or particle, which mostly follows proper names of persons, and signifies an attendant upon, or persons belonging to, or accompanying; as: ke alii ma, the chief and his train; an officer and his posse; Hoapili ma, Hoapili and those known to be about him. It includes persons in all capacities from an equal with the one named to all connected with him, even to his servants. [It is possible that the double ma or mama which enters most of the numeral adjectives, both cardinal and ordinal, above umi or ten, should be referred to this particle.]

Ma (mā), n.

/ mā / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A being discolored, he kohu.

Ma (mā), prep.

/ mā / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

At; by; in; through; unto; by means of; according to, etc. Ma is also used in uttering a solemn declaration, as in certifying, bearing witness, administering an oath, etc.

Ma (mā), v.

/ mā / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To fade, as a leaf or flower; to wilt.

2. To blush, as one ashamed.

3. To wear out, as a person engaged in too much business.

4. To be stained or discolored by some foreign matter.

WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Way, Wahi-a-wā, Oʻahu.

et al.; accompanying; as, Keawe ma, “Keawe and his group.”

to fade, wilt; blush: at, by, through, in, unto, alongside of, by means of, according to.

ma (mā) And associates.

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