Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ mō.ʻī / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. n., King, sovereign, monarch, majesty, ruler, queen.

  • Source:
    • Perhaps related to ʻī, supreme. According to J. F. G. Stokes, the word moʻī, king, is of recent origin and was first in print in 1832. Temple image (Malo 162); lord of images (Malo 173); according to Kepelino and Kamakau, a rank of chiefs who could succeed to the government but who were of lower rank than chiefs descended from the god Kāne (For. 6:266). The term mōʻī was apparently not used in the Fornander legends collected in the 1860s nor in RC.
  • References:

2. Same as ʻawa mōʻī.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

One of the gods in the luakini

1. King. State v. Midkiff, 49 Haw. 456, 470 (1966). 2. Monarch, sovereign (HRH) (PE).

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