Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. loc.n., High, upper, above, over, up; on, in, to, into.

  • Examples:
    • I luna o, on top of, over, upon.
    • Kau i luna o ke kaʻa, get into the car.
  • References:
    • Gram. 8.6.
    • PPN lunga.

2. n., Foreman, boss, leader, overseer, supervisor, headman, officer of any sort, commissioner, superintendency, control, rule.

  • Examples:
    • Ka mea iāia ka luna (For. 6:4), the superintendency hoʻo.luna To appoint as foreman, officer, etc.; to act as officer.

3. Chief piece in the kōnane game.

  • References:
    • And.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, One in charge of a particular activity, such as a coordinator, editor, manager, etc.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Dean, as in a college or university.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • Examples:
    • Luna koleke pāheona me ka ʻepekema. Dean of the college of arts and sciences.
  • References:

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

s. The upper side of anything.

2. The upper; the above.

3. A high place or seat; kahi kiekie.

4. A person who is over others in office or command; hence, an overseer; an officer; a director.

5. A head man of a land who gives orders.

6. A herald; a messenger; one sent on business by a chief; an ambassador.

7. An executive officer of any kind, qualified by the added word. See the examples below.

8. The chief piece in the game konane; paa mua ia'u na luna o ka papa konane a maua. Laieik. 115.

adj. Upper; higher; above; keena luna, an upper room. NOTE.—Luna as opposed to lalo, down, takes its base at the height of a man's head; all above the height of a man's head is said to be luna, above, upward, high, according to the thing spoken of; and all below the height of a man's head is said to be lalo, down, below, under. See D. Malo 6:1. Hence the terms in ascending are, oluna ae, oluna aku, oluna loa aku, oluna lilo aku, oluna lilo loa, oluna o ke ao, above the clouds; still higher, ke aouli, ka laniuli, ka lanipaa.

comp. prep. On; above; higher; over, &c.; found only in the compounds a, i, o, ko, no, ma and mai. See each in its place, also Grammar § 161.

Luna (lū'-na), adj.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Upper; higher; above; keena luna, an upper room. [Luna as opposed to lalo, down, takes its base at the height of a man's head; all above the height of a man's head is said to be luna, above, upward, high, according to the thing spoken of; and all below the height of a man's head is said to be lalo, down, below, under, Hence the terms in ascending are, oluna ae, oluna aku, oluna loa aku, oluna lilo aku, oluna lilo loa, oluna o ke ao, above the clouds; still higher, ke aouli, ka laniuli, ka lanipaa.]

Luna (lū'-na), n.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The upper side of anything.

2. The upper; the above.

3. A high place or seat; kahi kiekie.

4. A person who is over others in office or command; hence, an overseer; an officer; a director.

5. A head man of a land or plantation who gives orders.

6. A herald; a messenger; one sent on business by a chief; an ambassador.

7. An executive officer of any kind, qualified by the added word.

8. The chief piece in the game konane; paa mua ia'u na luna o ka papa konane a maun. -Laieik. p. 115.

Luna (lū'-na), prep.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

On; above; higher; over, etc.; found only in the compounds a, i, o, ko, no, ma, and mai.

Chief piece in the game of kōnane.

Executive officer of any type; person, generally, who was over others as director or supervisor; herald sent on business by the chief; ambassador.

Upper, higher; above. Everything above the height of a manʻs head is said to be luna, everything below is called lalo; overseer; executive officer; head man of a land; ambassador; leader of a yard crew.

overseer: upper, above.

1. Land agent for the king. In re Petition of Kamakee, 3 Haw. 9, 13 (1866). 2. Foreman (PE). 3. Land agent. 4. A head man of a land or plantation who gives orders. An executive officer of any kind, qualified by the added word (AP). 5. Superintendent of a hui. Mahoe v. Puka, 4 Haw. 485 (1882). 6. Chief. Nahale v. Kaiaiki, 7 Haw. 615, 617 (1889). 7. Above, on.

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