Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

n. Ruler, tape measure; rules, manners, ethics, etiquette, regulations. Eng. See ex., ʻaʻahu and below. Kū i nā lula maikaʻi, with good manners, formal, ethical. Ku ʻole i ka lula maikaʻi, with bad manners, unethical. Lula ʻole, without manners, crude.


heheleintransitive verb / lū.lā / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

vi., Calm, windless, dead still; bored.

  • Examples:
    • Lūlā au i ka hoʻolohe i kāna haʻiʻōlelo, I'm bored listening to his sermon.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino Ruler, the measuring device. Dic. See lula poho. Lula lāʻau. Wooden ruler.

Home lula. Home rule, i.e. self-government or limited autonomy, as in a city or county.

v. To be calm, as when there is no wind; to be smooth, as the sea.

2. To be lazy; to be indolent.

s. A calm state of the atmosphere when there is no wind.

2. A diminishing or calming of a storm.

adj. Smooth, as the surface of the sea unruffled by the wind.

2. Lazy; careless; indolent; hanging like a flag without wind; lula, luhe, i ke kaha o Kaunalewa.

Lula (lū'-lā'), adj.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Smooth, as the surface of the sea unruffled by the wind.

2. Lazy; careless; indolent; hanging like a flag without wind; lula, luhe, i ke kaha o Kaunalewa.


/ lū'-lā' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., A calm state of the atmosphere when there is no wind.

2. n., A diminishing or calming of a storm.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Lula (lū'-lā), v.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be calm, as when there is no wind; to be smooth, as the sea.

2. To be lazy; to be indolent.


Manners. He kanaka lula ʻole, a man without manners.

To be smooth, as the sea. To be still and calm, as the surface of the sea unruffled by the wind.

Ruler; measuring stick.

Smooth, as the surface of the sea unruffled by the wind; a diminishing or calming of a storm.

rule; manners.

E huli iā “lula” ma Ulukau.

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