Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

vi. To hang down, overhang, sag, droop, wilt, wither. See saying, droop. hoʻo.luhe Caus/sim.

adj. Proud; exhibiting one's haughtiness; making a show; fat; acting the chief; lula, luhe, i ke kaha o Kaunalewa.

v. To fade; to wither; to hang down, as a withering plant.

Luhe (lū'-he), adj.

/ lū'-he / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Proud; exhibiting one's haughtiness; making a show.

2. Fat; acting the chief; lula, luhe, i ke kaha o Kaunalewa.


Luhe (lū'-he), v.

/ lū'-he / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To droop; to fade; to wither; to hang down, as a withering plant.

Proud; exhibiting oneʻs haughtiness; making a show.

wither, droop, fade.

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