Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Lalo, haʻa, haʻahaʻa, pē, pēpē, emi; pāpapa (as a reef). See tide. Low and broad, as a door or bowl, pākākā. Low-growing, neneʻe. Low-lying, neʻineʻi.

haahaa, malalo iho.

ha. haahaa, uuku ke kumu kuai.

(not high), hă'āhă'ă; (cheap), măkěpo'nŏ, e'mĭ; (meek), ākăhaĭ; (feeble), pă'lŭpă'lŭ; (vulgar), pě'lăpě'lă.

1. Haahaa. 2. Haumia; pelapela. SYN. vile.

E huli iā “low” ma Ulukau.

Search for “low” on Ulukau.

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