Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., News, report, tidings, remembrance (Kanl. 32.26), rumor (sometimes formerly preceded by ke).

  • Examples:
    • Kuʻi ka lono, the news spread.
    • Kuʻi ka lono i Pelekane, hoʻolono ke kuini o Palani (song), the news spread to England, the queen of France heard.
  • References:
    • PPN rongo.

2. (Cap.) n., One of the four major gods brought from Kahiki.

3. (Cap.) n., The 28th day of the lunar month.

  • References:
    • PEP Longo.

4. (Cap.) n., Name of a star.

Nā LepiliTags: religion time astronomy preceded by ke

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To hear, as a sound; to hear, as the voice of one calling.

2. To regard, as a command; to keep; to observe; to obey.

3. To hear a report. Dan. 11:44.

4. Hoolono. To cause to hear, &c.; to listen; to regard. Dan. 9:10.

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1. s., A report; news; a hearing of something new; fame.

2. A report of what one has heard another say. Kin. 37:2. News; nui ka maua kamailio ana ia po na na lono ame na hana i hanaia, we two had much conversation that night respecting the news and what had been done.

3. A rumor; a report. 2 Nal. 19:7.

4. Fame. 1 Oihl. 14:17.

5. Tidings. Ezek. 21:7.

6. A remembrance. Kanl. 32:26.

7. The name of a day of the month; o kakahiaka ae, o Lono ia la.

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s., He nui ka poe ao i ka lono maka ihe.

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s., Name of one of the four great gods of the Hawaiian Islands; the four were Lono, Ku, Kane and Kanaloa.

Nā LepiliTags: religion

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1. n., One of the four great gods of the Hawaiian islands: the four were Lono, Ku, Kane and Kanaloa.

2. n., The art of hurling as practiced in casting weapons through the air: He nui ka poe ao i ka lono maka-ihe; Many are the people who learn to throw the spear.

3. n., A report; news; a hearing of something new; fame; rumor. A report of what one has heard another say: Nui ka maua kanailio ana ia po na na lono ame na hana i hanaia, We two had much conversation that night respecting the news and what had been done.

4. n., A remembrance.

5. n., The twenty-eighth day of the month in the ancient Hawaiian calendar: o kakahiaka ae, o Lono ia la.

Nā LepiliTags: religion time

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1. v., To be heard; to be mindful of. Hoolono is the active form.

2. v., To swing; to hurl; to cast or fling from the hand; to throw.

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WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Place, Mānoa, Honolulu, Oʻahu, named for the god Lono.

Nā LepiliTags: Oʻahu

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WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

Harbor, Hale o Lono, Molokaʻi. Same as Hale o Lono Harbor. After the god Lono.

Nā LepiliTags: Molokaʻi

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

One of the four great gods. He was the god of agriculture, fertility, wind, and clouds.

Lono is the word for tidings or a message of special importance.

Twenty-eighth night, a day of prayer followed by a free day.

I. he mea i loheia, he nu-hou, Kin. 37:2; 2 Nalii l9:7; 1 Oihlii. 14:17; Ier. 10:22; Ez. 21:7; Dan. 11:44; Nahu. 3:19.

report, news: to be heard; to hurl.

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