Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

nvi. Downpour of rain; blowing of wind; to pour, of rain; to blow, as a gale; torrential. Fig., to feel deep emotion, pain, sorrow; to weep profusely; intense. Also noku. Ka ua loku, the pouring rain. Ke aloha loku i ka puʻuwai, love surging in the heart. Ke loku nei ka makani, the wind is blowing in a gale. hoʻo.loku To pour, as rain; to disturb; agitated.


/ lō.kū / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

n., A game, perhaps like kilu (FS 163); a place for indoor games; evening entertainment (Ii 63–4).

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v. To prostitute for pay on a large scale.

s. A sort of pain, ache, distress.

adj. Distressing; painful; fearful; ka leo o ka ua loko me ka hekili, the sound of the severe rain with the thunder.

Loku (lō'-ku), adj.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Distressing; painful; fearful; ka leo o ka ua loku me ka hekili, the sound of the severe rain with the thunder.

Loku (lō'-ku), n.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Extreme pain, physical or mental; distress; heartache.

2. Mental anguish.


Loku (lō'-ku), v.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To prostitute for pay on a large scale.

2. To give up to natural impulses.

Extreme pain, physical or mental; distress.

heavy rains; tears; anguish, mental or physical.

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