Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


nvs., Prepared, ready; to make ready; preparations (Kel. 49).

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v. To get ready for doing a thing. See LIU 3. To prepare, as for a journey; liuliu iho la na kanaka o Oahu e holo i ke kaua i Kauai, the people of Oahu made ready to go to the war on Kauai; to get ready, i. e., to prepare materials for a a building.

2. To be awake; to watch for something; to wait long for an event, but be ready or prepared for it; a mio, a liuliu e i ola honua.

3. To procrastinate; to be for a long time future. 2 Sam. 7:19. To stay a long time in a place; to delay a return; to tarry long; liuliu iki, soon after.

4. To continue long, as a particular season or time; he liuliu no na la e pa mai ai, many are the days (the wind) blows.

s. A living or staying a long time at another place.

adj. Prepared; ready.

2. Saltish; brackish, as water; unfit to drink; insipid; tasteless, &c. See LIU, adj.

adv. For a long time; during a long time. Nah. 9:19. Hoo. Oih. 18:2.

Liuliu (lī'-ŭ-lī'-u), adj.

/ lī'-ŭ-lī'-u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Prepared; ready.

Liuliu (li'u-li'u), adj.

/ li'u-li'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Liu.] Salty.

Liuliu (li'u-li'u), adv.

/ li'u-li'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

For a long time; during a long time.

Liuliu (li'u-li'u), n.

/ li'u-li'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A relative portion of time, as noho liuliu, a living or staying a long time; aole liuliu, not long, as to time.

Liuliu (lī'-ŭ-lī'-u), v.

/ lī'-ŭ-lī'-u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To get ready for doing a thing; to prepare, as for a journey; liuliu iho la na kanaka o Oahu e holo i ke kaua i Kauai, The people of Oahu made ready to go to the war on Kauai.

2. To be wide awake; to be ready.

Liuliu (li'u-li'u), v.

/ li'u-li'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be for a long time: e noho liuliu, stay long.

2. To continue long; He liuliu no na la i pa mai ai, Many are the days (the wind) blows.

prepared; ready.

E huli iā “liuliu” ma Ulukau.

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