Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ lima.lima / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. vt., To handle, use the hands; to pilfer, filch.

2. vt., To hire.

3. vt., To massage. Rare

4. n., Prayer in which the priest gestured with his hands; the ceremony was called hoʻopiʻi i nā ʻaha limalima, the limalima assembly rises.

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v. See LIMA, hand. To handle; to employ the hands. Hoo. To hire; to bargain for work to be done; to agree with one concerning wages.

adj. Appellation of a prayer when the priest made many gestures with his hands; the ceremony was called hoopii na aha limalima.

adj. See LIMA. Full of hands; one hired to work. Hoo. That which is bargained for or hired. Ioan. 10:12.

s. Hoo. A hired person. Ioan. 10:13.

Limalima (lī'-mă-lī'-ma), adj.

/ lī'-mă-lī'-ma / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A redundant form of the adj. lima. Full of hands.

Limalima (lī'-mă-lī'-ma), n.

/ lī'-mă-lī'-ma / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A hired person. [The more modern phraseology is hoolimalima.]

2. A prayer in which the priest made many gestures with his hands; the ceremony was called hoopii na aha limalima.


/ lī'-mă-lī'-ma / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Lima, hand.]

1. v., To handle; to employ the hands.

2. v., To filch; steal in a small way; handle for the purpose of secreting.

3. v., To massage.

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Prayer in which the priest made many gestures with his hands. The ceremony was called hoʻopiʻi na aha limalima, the limalima assembly rises.

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