Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. vs., vt., To accrue, be lost, gone, pass into the possession of; to relinquish; to become, turn into; to overcome; purchased, taken.

  • Examples:
    • Lilo i ke aupuni, accrue to the government.
    • Ke kālā e lilo ai, expenses.
    • Lilo aku ka waʻa i ke kai, the canoe was taken by the sea.
    • Kumu lilo, cost, price.
    • ʻAʻohe wahi lilo o ke aliʻi iāʻoe, you are the perfect image of the chief; literally, there is nothing in the chief that does not accrue to you.
    • Inā e mimi, ʻaʻohe koe ʻāina i ka lilo i ka wai (For. 5:139), if [he] urinates, there is no land that does not turn into water [that is not flooded completely].
  • References:

2. vs., Busy, absorbed, occupied, engaged, engrossed, devoted, dedicated.

  • Examples:
    • Ua lilo loa au i ka heluhelu, I'm completely absorbed in reading.
    • Lilo ʻo Ka-welo i laila, hiki ua mau kānaka nei i Wai-kīkī (FS 51), while Ka-welo was busy there, these aforementioned people came to Wai-kīkī.
    • No ka lilo loa o Lohiʻau ipo i ka nani o Puna, ua lilo ka ʻai … i mea ʻole iāia, because of sweetheart Lohiʻau's fascination by the beauty of Puna, food became … as nothing [of no interest] to him.

3. n., Expense, expenditure, outlay of money.

  • Examples:
    • Nā uku makahiki a me nā lilo ʻē aʻe, annual salaries and other expenses.

4. vs., Far, distant, out of sight, completely, entirely (often follows a noun).

  • Examples:
    • I luna lilo, way up.
    • I waho lilo, far outside, way out.
    • I ka moana lilo, far out to sea.
    • Ua lawe a lilo ʻia ka ipo a ke kelamoku, the sailor's sweetheart was swept completely off her feet.

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ʻaʻanostative verb Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

ʻaʻano, Turnover, in basketball.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • Examples:
    • Ua lilo ke kinipōpō iā Georgetown ʻumi manawa i ka hapa mua wale nō o ka hoʻokūkū. The ball was turned over to Georgetown ten times in only the first half of the game.

Nā LepiliTags: sports basketball

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v., To transfer or be transferred in various ways.

1. To become another's; to pass into the possession of another; lilo mai, to obtain; to possess; lilo aku, to be lost; to perish.

2. To turn; to change; to be lost; to be gone indefinitely.

3. Hoolilo. To cause a transfer or change in different ways; to raise one to office; to place one over others as an officer.

4. To give a thing in trust to another; to give absolutely; to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote. Kanl. 20:5.

5. To bring under one's dominion or authority.

6. To change from one thing to another.

7. To change from one form or appearance to another, or from one quality to that of another. NOTE.—When lilo is followed by an article before the substantive following, it means to become another's; as, ua lilo ia ke alii, he has become the chief's, i. e., from being in other circumstances before, he, she, it or the property has now become the person or property of the chief, or is transferred to him. But when the article is dropped from before the noun following lilo, it means to become another character or thing; as, ua lilo ia i alii, he has become a chief, i. e., from being a common man, he is transferred to the honors and office of a chief. When no noun follows lilo, it means the subject or thing spoken of is lost or gone absolutely or indefinitely.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / LI-LO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

adv., Out of sight; a great ways off; lost; gone; distant; iuka lilo, far inland; kai lilo, out of sight at sea; hala iluna lilo, gone very high up.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / lī'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adv., Out of sight; a great way off; lost; gone; distant; iuka lilo, far inland; kai lilo, out of sight at sea; hala iluna lilo, gone very high up.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To be off, separated from, or be transferred in various ways.

2. v., To become another's; to pass into the possession of another; lilo mai, to obtain; to possess; lilo aku, to be lost; to perish.

3. v., To turn; to change; to be lost; to be gone indefinitely.

4. v., To be changed from one form or appearance to another, or from one quality to that of another. [When lilo is followed by an article before the substantive following, it means to become anothers; as, ua lilo ia i ke alii, he has become the chief's, that is, from being in other circumstances before, the person or the property has now become the person or property of the chief, or is transferred to him. But when the article is dropped from before the noun following lilo, it means to to become another character or thing; as, ua lilo ia i alii, he has become a chief, that is, from being a common man, he is transferred to the honors and office of a chief. When no noun follows lilo, it means the subject or thing spoken of is lost or gone absolutely or indefinitely.]

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

to become another’s; to change; be lost.

1. “They are found within the limits of a few pages. To be used for the words transfer, conveyance, cession, and confirmation, and include within their general meaning all manner of conveyances, conditional as well as unconditional.” Hardy v. Ruggles, 1 Haw. 457, 462 (1856). 2. Convey. McCandless v. Waiahole Water Co., Ltd., 35 Haw. 314, 317-318 (1940). 3. Gone. Simerson v. Simerson, 20 Haw. 57, 66 (1910). 4. To become, to belong; to accrue. 5. To become another’s; to pass into the possession of another (AP). 6. To relinquish; purchased, taken; to accuse, be lost, gone, pass into the possession of; expense (PE). 7. To be conveyed, taken, lost, or absorbed. See ho ʻolilo.

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