Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vs., Nauseated, nauseating, of rich or fatty foods only; very rich, of fatty, oily food, as of the wolu, a fish. Figuratively, heartsick, as over a tragedy; revolted, disgusted, as by a hideous crime; dreadful, fearful.

2. Reduplication of liha #1; many nits.

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v. See LIHA. To be satisfied, as the appetite with food or drink; to be stuffed full.

2. To be supplied with a sufficiency of a thing. Isa. 1:11.

3. To be sick at the stomach; to nauseate, as after eating much rich food; to vomit.

4. FIG. To be disgusted at immoral conduct; liliha no hoi ke noonoo i ka ino o ko lakou noho ana, it is sickening to think of the evil of their living; to feel disgust at any disgusting object.

s. The fat of hogs.

2. Anything causing sickness at the stomach.

3. The feeling of nausea at the stomach.

4. Anything offensive to good morals.

Liliha (lĭ'-lī'-ha), n.

/ lĭ'-lī'-ha / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The fat of hogs.

2. Anything causing sickness at the stomach.

3. Extreme disgust at the exhibition of immoral conduct.

Liliha (lĭ'-lī'-ha), v.

/ lĭ'-lī'-ha / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be satiated; to be filled to the point of nausea.

2. To be sick at the stomach; to be nauseated as after eating much rich food; to vomit.

3. Fig. To be disgusted at immoral conduct; to feel disgust at any disgusting object: Liliha no hoi ke noonoo i ka ino o ko lakou noho ana: it is sickening to think of the way they live.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Street along the western border of section 11 of Honolulu (map 6), named for the wife of Governor Boki of Oʻahu; after Boki's disappearance in 1829 she became governess of Oʻahu and in 1831 tried unsuccessfully to organize a revolt against Ka-mehameha III. Lit., rich, oily.

Anything causing stomach sickness; nauseated after much rich food; to vomit.

Dreadful, fearful.

nausea: to be satiated.

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