Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi., Leaf bud; newly opened leaf; to bud; to put forth leaves. Figuratively, a child or descendant, especially of a chief; youth.

2. vs., Shining, glistening, as with dew; sparkling, glowing; burning.

  • Examples:
    • Ke liko aʻela ka ua i ke kai, the rain sparkles on the sea.
  • References:

3. vs., Fat, fleshy.

4. n., A Tahitian banana (Musa troglodytarum 🌐).

5. vi., To burn.

  • Rare

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Newly opened leaf.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word
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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v. To swell out round; to be plump; to be full.

2. To be fat, as a fleshy person.

3. To swell; to enlarge, as the growing bud of a vegetable before the leaves spread open, or as the bud of a flower before the petals open.

4. To expand, as an opening flower. Hal. 129:6.

5. To shine; to glisten like drops of oil poured on to water.

s. The swelling, budding, protruding, &c., of a growing plant.

2. The swollen bud just before leaves or flowers appear.

3. The top or growing end of a plant. FIG. A young child, especially of a chief.

4. The appearance of drops of oil on water.

5. The light or shining points in a person's eye; ka liko, oia ka muo, ka ao, ka omaka, ka mea e ulu ai ma ka maka.

adj. Swelling; growing; opening, as a bud of a tree or a flower; thrifty, as a growing plant.

Liko (lī'-ko), adj.

/ lī'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Swelling; growing; opening, as a bud of a tree or a flower; thrifty, as a growing plant.


Liko (lī'-ko), n.

/ lī'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The swelling budding, protruding, etc., of a growing plant.

2. The swollen bud just before leaves or flowers appear.

3. The top or growing end of a plant.

4. Fig. A young child, especially of a chief; scion.

5. Sheen.

Liko (lī'-ko), v.

/ lī'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To swell out round; to be plump; to be full.

2. To be fat, as a fleshy person.

3. To swell; to enlarge, as the growing bud of a flower before the petals open.

4. To expand, as an opening flower.

5. To shine; to glisten like drops of oil poured on water.

Child; youth, especially of a chief.

Banana similar to a Tahitian banana in which the fruit stock bears upward.

Child, especially of a chief.

opening as a bud; to swell.

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