Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Redup. of lewa 2; oscillate. Kulapepeiao lewalewa, dangling earrings. Keiki maʻi lewalewa, boy before the age of puberty who did not wear a malo; lit., child dangling genital. hoʻo.lewa.lewa

a. Same as lewalewa; to cause to dangle.

b. Kind of fish net suspended from a canoe in the deep sea. Also maiewa. (PNP lewalewa.)

2. n. Unconcealed penis of a boy, usually called maʻi lewalewa.

3. (Cap.) n. Nickname for Gilbertese, because their stretched ear lobes dangled.

v. See LEWA. To float to dangle; to swing frequently; to move or go often from place to place; hence, to be deceitful.

adj. See LEWA. Swinging; unstable; floating.

Lewalewa (lē'-wă-lē'-wa), adj.

/ lē'-wă-lē'-wa / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Swinging; unstable; floating.

Lewalewa (lē'-wă-lē'-wă), v.

/ lē'-wă-lē'-wă / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Freq. of lewa, to float.] To float; to dangle; to swing frequently; to move or go often from place to place; hence, to be deceitful.

to swing frequently; to float; dangle.

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