Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


nvt. Voice, tone, tune, melody, sound, command, advice, syllable, plea, verbal message; to speak, make a sound. Cf. leoleo, leo ʻole. Kona leo, his voice. Kāna leo, his tune. Ka leo o ke kai, the sound of the sea. Kū loa i ka leo, exactly like the voice; high fidelity. Nā leo a pau a kona kaikunāne (FS 259), all commands of her brother. I aliʻi nō ʻoe, i kanaka au, malalo aku au o kō leo (hula song), you be the chief, I the servant, I shall be obedient to your command. (PPN leʻo.)

Hōkūpā (constellation).

Nā LepiliTags: astronomy

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kikino Melody, tune. Dic. Also ʻea. See entries below and hōʻailona mele, pahu leo, pahu hoʻonui leo.

kikino, Voice, as in linguistics.

Nā LepiliTags: linguistics

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

s. A voice; a sound, mostly of a person or an animated being; hookahi pane ana a ka waha, he leo ia.

2. In grammar, a syllable.

3. In music, a tone.

4. FIG. The good or bad influence of conduct; o ka leo o ka pono ka'u e malama nei; o ka leo o ka hewa ka'u e kipaku nei.

5. The meaning or intention of an act. Puk. 4:18.

Leo (lē'-o), n.

/ lē'-o / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A voice; a sound; mostly of a person or an animated being; hookahi pane ana a ka waha, he leo ia.

2. In grammar, a syllable.

3. In music, a tone.

4. Intent; meaning of.

5. Influence arising from station, reputation or character.

The general term for sound in Hawaiian is leo, although properly speaking this is the word for “voice.” It is related to ʻōlelo (speech or language), and alelo (tongue). The term conversation has a

a voice.

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