Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., The flower of the ʻōhiʻa tree (Metrosideros macropus 🌐, Metrosideros collina 🌐 subsp. Metrosideros polymorpha 🌐); also the tree itself. The lehua is the flower of the island of Hawaiʻi, as designated in 1923 by the Territorial legislature; it is famous in song and tale. Figuratively, a warrior, beloved friend or relative, sweetheart, expert (see lehua #9). The plant has many forms, from tall trees to low shrubs, leaves round to narrow and blunt or pointed and smooth or woolly. The flowers are red, rarely salmon, pink, yellow, or white. The wood is hard, good for flooring and furniture, formerly used for images, spears, mallets. It grows abundantly in wet areas (see ex., ʻūpolu). It was believed that picking lehua blossoms would cause rain.

2. vs., Laden, as a lehua tree with beautiful blossoms.

  • Examples:
    • Ke hele lā ka papa ʻaina a ua aliʻi nei ā lehua, the feast table of this aforementioned chief was beautifully supplied.

3. n., Rainbow-colored mother-of-pearl shell used for fishing lure.

4. n., A variety of taro, used for red poi.

  • References:
    • TC 4.

5. n., Globe amaranth (Gomphrena globosa 🌐).

  • Also: lehua mau loa, lehua pepa, leihua.

6. n., A variety of yam; the stem has red wings and the tuber has light pinkish flesh.

  • References:
    • HP 168.

7. (Cap.) n., Name of the small island just west of Niʻihau. As the westernmost of the Hawaiian Islands (except for the Northwest Hawaiian Islands), Lehua is associated with a setting sun (see chant, kalakalaʻihi). In poetry, the extent of the Hawaiian Islands is shown by coupling Lehua Island and Haʻehaʻe and Kumukahi on East Hawaiʻi (see welo #2, welona). A breeze is named for this island.

8. Pas/imp. of lehu #1.

9. n., Expert, as in fishing.

Nā LepiliTags: flora food geography

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. Flower of Hawaiʻi. Lehua.

  • Examples:
    • Scarlet lehua, twisted by fire (UL 88), lehua ʻula, i wili ʻia e ke ahi.
    • Great Kauaʻi, island of lehua (FS 75), ʻO Kauaʻi nui moku lehua (warriors).

2. (Cap.) Island west of Niʻihau. Lehua.

Nā LepiliTags: flora geography

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s. The name of a large rock or small island on the north-east of Niʻihau, which has a good spring of water and a fine cavern.

2. The name of a species of ohia, otherwise called the ohia hamau; metrosideros.

3. The blossom of the ohia and the lehua and the ahihi.

4. Flowers done up in bundles, as among foreign families; he pua lei mai kahiki mai.

5. Name of a species of kalo; also called lehualcuikawao.

6. The name of the first man slain in sacrifice on a particular occasion.

7. Lehua is used often figuratively for a person highly esteemed; as, kuu lehua ala o Koolau, my sweet-scented lehua (very dear friend) of Koolau.

Nā LepiliTags: flora kalo Niʻihau

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/ lē'-hū'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., Tree 10 to 35 feet high, usually called ohia lehua; a species of ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha), also called ohia hamau.

2. n., A well-defined variety of the taro plant, pink in color.

3. n., A small, rocky island on the northeast of the island of Niʻihau, which has a good spring of water and a fine cavern.

4. n., The first man slain in sacrifice on a particular occasion.

5. n., Often used figuratively in a personal way, equivalent to very dear friend: kuu lehua ala o Koolau, my sweet lehua of Koolau.

Nā LepiliTags: flora kalo Niʻihau

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Island (291 acres, maximum elevation 710 feet) west of Niʻihau, the westernmost island of the main Hawaiian chain (not including the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands); landing, northeast Niʻihau. For a saying, see PE, kāʻili. Literally, lehua flower. (Pele's younger sister, Hiʻiaka, accompanying Pele on her first trip to Hawaiʻi, left a lehua lei at this island when her brother, Kāneʻāpua, decided to stay there.)

Elementary school, Pearl City, Oʻahu.

  • References:
    • PH 106; UL 258.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Niʻihau Oʻahu

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1. Island (291 acres, 710 feet high), Lehua, Niʻihau. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Large tuff (cemented volcanic ash, basalt, and limestone) island approximately three-quarters of a mile off the north end of Niʻihau. The south side of the island is steep sea cliffs, and the north side is a large, crescent-shaped bay. 2. Landing, Kaʻakuʻu, Niʻihau. Lehua and Kiʻi are the two landings on the north end of Niʻihau. Niʻihau Ranch uses the landings to haul livestock, equipment, passengers, food, dry goods, and other necessities to the island from Makaweli Landing on Kauaʻi. Lehua Landing is named for its proximity to Lehua Island. 3. Rock light, Lehua, Niʻihau. The original light, completed in 1931, was replaced in 1989 by a light atop a 10-foot fiberglass pole. At 704 feet above sea level, it is among the highest lighted navigational aids in the world. Niʻihau is a privately owned island, and its owners have elected not to have any navigational lights on the island, so Lehua Rock Light establishes the locations of Lehua and Niʻihau. Lit., lehua flower. Hiʻiaka, sister of Pele, the goddess of the volcano, left a lehua flower on the island.

Variety of lehua tree (Metrosideros collina) popular in Hawaiʻi. A mixture of slimy sap of a hau branch, several lehua blossoms, and water, were strained through coconut fibers, placed in a coconut shell, and then given to a woman in childbirth to ease labor pains. (BHK; NEAL 637.)

Island of about 300 acres just west of Niʻihau. The name is also well known as a flower, a breeze, a hardwood, and terms for shellfish, and kalo. The island is also a bird refuge.

A favorite tree (Metrosideros collina) that thrives between 1,000 and 9,000 feet in some forests. On the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, the trees reach 100 feet, and around Kīlauea Volcano they are associated with the tree fern. Its flowers are full of honey, which is the food of the ʻiʻiwi, a small bird matching in scarlet plumage the color of the flowers. Stories and legends are based on the flower. Also called ʻōhia. (NEAL 561.)

Lehua (Metrosideros collina), a favorite native tree growing between the 1,000 and 9,000 foot levels. The flowers are full of honey, food of the ʻiʻiwi, a bird matching in scarlet plumage the color of the blossoms. On the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa the tree grows to 100 feet. Leis, quilt designs, stories, and legends are all based on the lehua. (NEAL 637.)

Lehua (Metrosideros collina), a favorite native tree growing between the 1,000 and 9,000 foot levels. The flowers are full of honey, food of the ʻiʻiwi, a bird matching in scarlet plumage the color of the blossoms. On the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa the tree grows to 100 feet. Leis, quilt designs, stories, and legends are all based on the lehua. (NEAL 637.)

A word frequently used figuratively for a person highly esteemed. Kuʻu lehua ʻala a Koʻolau, my sweet-scented lehua, (very dear friend) of Koʻolau.

Ku ma ka lehua, ceremonial hanging of offering, as of banana, pig or man; to impart mana, divine power, to an ʻōhi a lehua tree, especially one to be used in making an idol or image for the temple. (PE.)

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