Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvs., Ashes; ash-colored or gray, as a chicken.

  • Examples:
    • Pōpoki lehu, gray cat.
  • References:

2. n., A variety of sugar cane, probably recently introduced, extensively planted by Hawaiians. The stunted mature stalks look dead except for their green leaves. A gray to green-brown frosted-looking cane covered with hairs; pith green-white; both sides of leaves bearing long scattered hairs.

  • References:
    • HP 224, 225.

3. num., The number 400,000; numerous, very many.

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s. Ashes. Puk. 9:8. Ka lepo o ke ahi; ke oka keokeo o ka lanahu.

2. The number 400,000, the highest in the Hawaiian series of numbers.

v. To be or become ashes; e puhi aku a lehu, to burn to ashes, i. e., to burn up. 2 Pet. 2:6.

Lehu (lē'-hu), n.

/ lē'-hu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Ashes; ka lepo o ke ahi; ke oka keokeo o ka lanahu, refuse of fire; waste matter of coal.

2. The number 400,000, the highest in the Hawaiian series of numbers.

Lehu (lē'-hu), v.

/ lē'-hu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be or become ashes; e puhi aku a lehu, to burn to ashes, that is, to burn completely.

Largest number in Hawaiian counting: 400,000; numerous, very many.

Hairy bamboo cane, a recent arrival. Given the name lehu (ashes) because the stunted, mature canes look like dead stalks except for their green leaves. Pith is a green white.

The number 40,000; highest specific number.

ashes; 400,000.

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