Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ lau.milo / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. vi., To writhe, turn, twist, squirm, torture, destroy.

2. n., A species of eel, so called because its color was thought to resemble a yellow milo leaf (lau milo).

Nā LepiliTags: fauna fish

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/ LAU-MI-LO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

v., To writhe; to squirm; to turn and twist awry. See lauwili. Ua laumiloia na uhane, ua make.

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/ LAU-MI-LO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

adj., Squirming; contorting; mixing up. See lauwili. O ka lena o ka puhi laumilo i ka pa.

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/ lă'u-mī'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adj., Squirming; contorting; mixing up.

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/ lă'u-mī'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

n., Specific name of a variety of eel, so called from its color resemblance to the yellow leaf of the milo tree. Also called puhilaumilo. O ka lena o ka puhilaumilo i ka pa.

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/ la'u-mī'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. v., To writhe; to squirm; to turn and twist awry. Syn: Lauwili. Ua laumiloia na uhane, ua make.

2. v., To destroy by wringing or twisting; to kill by torture: E laumilo iho ia K a make, Torture K until he is dead.

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to writhe; kill by torture or by twisting.

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