Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi. Leaf, frond, leaflet, greens; to leaf out.

  • References:
    • PPN lau.

2. n. Dragnet, seine, so called because formerly made of ti leaves (lau) tied to a rope.

  • References:

3. n. Sheet; surface; blade, as of grass.

4. numeral, To be much, many; very many, numerous; four hundred.

  • Examples:
    • Ahe lau makani, gentle winds, caressing.
    • Lau ā lau nā hōkū o ka lani, hundreds and hundreds of stars in the heaven.
    • Lau lena ka pua o ka māmane, the māmane is yellow with blossoms.
  • References:

5. n. Pattern, as for quilts; design; print of a cloth.

6. n. Thatched mountain hut, as used by farmers, canoe-makers, birdcatchers.

7. n. Tip, as of the tongue; top (probably related to wēlau and ʻēlau, tip). Lau make, death-dealing tip, as of a weapon.

  • Examples:
    • Moe … i ka lau o ka lihilihi (Kep. 115), to doze; literally, sleep by the tip of the eyelash.

8. n. Sweet-potato slip or vine.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To feel after a thing.

2. To spread out; to be broad, as a leaf.

3. To be numerous or many. See the noun. Ma keia kula panoa kanaka ole, lau kanaka ai, in this dry uninhabited place there are now many people.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. s., The number 400.

2. The leaf of a tree or plant green or dry. Oihk. 26:36. An herb; lau mulemule, bitter herbs.

3. The face of a person, like helehelena; lau kanaka, persons; where persons live; lau kanaka ole, solitary. See laukanaka. Lau makani, a stray puff of wind.

4. The end of a pointed substance. SYN. with elau or welau. Lau alelo, the tip of the tongue.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. n., Leaf of a plant; herb: lau nahele, herbs of the fields.

2. n., The end of a pointed object. Syn: Elau or welau. Lau alelo, the tip of the tongue.

3. n., The number 400.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To produce leaves: E lau ae ana keia kumu ohia. This ohia (mountain apple tree) is putting forth leaves.

2. v., To be numerous.

3. v., [Contraction of lalau, to seize.] To feel after with the hands; to reach out for.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Sweet potato slip, vine, or cutting used for propagation. (NP 127.)

The number four hundred.

leaf; tip; 400: to produce leaves; to reach out for.

Four hundred.

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