Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvs., Ridge, slope, steep side of a ravine; ridged.

  • References:

2. nvs., Overactive, energetic, mischievous; gamboling and cavorting, as a young animal; roughhouse; to flash.

  • Examples:
    • Ka puhi lapa i ke ale, eel playing in the hollows.
    • Lapa kai, restless, active sea.
  • References:

a. To rise up; to boil; to swell, as a blister; to spread or blaze, as fire or volcanic eruption; to excite or flare, as with passion; to animate; to cook by boiling.

  • Examples:
    • Hoʻolapa ka ʻōpū, a disturbed stomach.
    • Ua wala kīʻaha paha, ke hoʻolapa mai nei, the glass is tilted back perhaps, getting active.
  • References:
    • PPN lapa.

b. (Cap.) Wind famous at Kaʻū.

3. n., Bamboo liners, for tapa printing.

4. n., Orifice of the womb.

5. n., Clot, as of blood.

6. n., A variety of sweet potato.

7. n., A variety of taro.

8. n., Male mahimahi fish.

9. vt., To slacken off the lower section on an ʻōpelu bag net; part of the catch remains in the water, and the top part only of the net is raised to the canoe and the catch taken; a large catch would be too heavy to bring up at once.

Nā LepiliTags: winds Kaʻū tapa anatomy flora ʻuala kalo fauna fish

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ʻaʻano Wild or roughhousing, as an overactive or unruly child. Dic. Cf. ʻāhiu.

ʻaʻano Improper, in math. Dic., ext. mng. Hakina lapa. Improper fraction.

kikino Raft. Bounty. Lāpa laholio. Rubber raft. Lāpa lāʻau. Wooden raft.

kikino Blade, as of a knife. Mān.

s. A ridge between two depressions; a ridge of land between two ravines. See OLAPA.

2. The steep side of a ravine.

3. A swelling. SYN. with pehu.

4. The name of some parts of the organs of generation in females.

5. The name of an instrument made of bamboo used in infanticide, before or at the birth of a child; he mea hou; a piercing thing; he ohe hapai i ke keiki.

6. A species of red potato.

7. The bamboo on which were cut various figures, used by women in printing kapa.

8. Ardens femina coitus. See the verb.

adj. Having a flat or square side; e kalai a lapa, hew one side.

2. Squared, as a hewed stick of timber; kalai a lapalapa, hew all sides flat or square. NOTE.—Hewing three or four sides of a stick of timber brings out the ridges or corners.

3. Troublesome, as a child in the way; uneasy; disobedient; mischievous.

v. To desire sexual intercourse (applied to the female); ia ia e lapa kane ai. Ier. 2:24.

2. To jump and spring about as a wild colt or a calf that is tied.

Lapa (lā'-pa), adj.

/ lā'-pa / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Having a flat or square side: E kalai a lapa, Hew till flat.

2. Squared, as a hewed stick of timber; Kalai a lapalapa, hew all sides flat or square.

2. Troublesome, as a child in the way; uneasy; disobedient; mischievous.

Lapa (lā'-pa), n.

/ lā'-pa / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A ridge between two depressions; a ridge of land between two ravines. Same as olapa.

2. The steep side of a ravine.

3. A swelling. Syn: Pehu.

4. An instrument with three or more prongs made of bamboo and used by women in printing tapa.

5. A variety of sweet potato.

6. The orifice of the womb. Syn: Puao.

7. Desire of the female for intercourse.

Lapa (lā'-pa), v.

/ lā'-pa / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To desire sexual intercourse (applied to the female); ia ia e lapa kane ai.

2. To jump and spring about as a wild colt or a calf that is tied.

3. To be meddlesome, said of little children. Syn: Lalama.

Bamboo instrument used in infanticide, before or at the birth of a child. (A.)

Variety of sweet potato. (HP 142.)

flat; ridge, side of ridge.

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