Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vi., To hasten, hurry, push on; to encourage, urge on, stir up to action.

  • hoʻolale Caus/sim.; To hasten, incite, propose, provoke, hurry; to urge, suggest strongly, encourage.
    • Ua hoʻolale mai ʻoia iaʻu e hele i Hilo, he suggested that I go to Hilo.
  • References:

2. n., Legendary bird mentioned in old tales and songs as a sweet singer.

Nā LepiliTags: birds religion

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v. To urge on; to hurry; to stir up; to constrain one to do a thing quickly.

2. Hoo. To hasten another forward; to hasten to meet one; to hurry; hoolale mai la ka poalima hai manao ia’u. FIG. E hoolale ana i na waimaka o kela mea keia mea.

s. Name of a species of bird.

Lale (lā'-le), n.

/ lā'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

An imaginary bird spoken of in old kaaos and meles.

Lale (lā'-le), v.

/ lā'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Hasten; hurry; push on.

2. To urge on; to hurry; to stir up; be quick.

Legendary, sweet singing bird, famed in song and story.

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