Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. vs. Thin, frail, delicate. hoʻo.lahi To cause thinness, frailty; thin, frail.

2. n. A variety of sugar cane; the yellow mutation of laukona, otherwise same as laukona without variegations and stripes and more robust in growth. Also ʻuala lehu.

3. n. A variety of banana.

See pūaina lahi.

adj. Thin; flat; opposite to manoanoa.

2. He mele lahi.

s. A species of white cane.

Lahi (lā'-hi), adj.

/ lā'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Thin; flat; opposite to manoanoa.

2. Pleasant; sweet; delicate; pleasing to the ear; mele lahi, pleasant song.

Lahi (lā'-hi), n.

/ lā'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A species of white cane, also called ko kea.

A banana like the pópó ulu but with a soft skin. (CMH.)

A banana like the pópó ulu but with a soft skin.

E huli iā “lahi” ma Ulukau.

Search for “lahi” on Ulukau.

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