Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvi. Sprout, growth; offspring; upstart, as one rising suddenly and conspicuously to high position; to sprout, grow, germinate, increase; to occur. Kupu wale, to occur by chance or spontaneously; whimsical. Ke kupu, ka ʻeu, ke kolohe, the upstart, the rascal, the mischief-maker. Na wai ke kupu ʻo ʻoe? Whose sprout are you? hoʻo.kupu To cause growth, sprouting; to sprout. (PPN tupu.)

2. n. Spirit, supernatural being. (For. 4:161.)

vs. Thick, as gravy, or moisture-laden lomi fish; to jell. hoʻo.kū.pū Caus/sim.; to thicken.

v. To sprout; to spring up; to grow, as vegetation; to shoot out buds; to open out, as leaves or blossoms.

2. To grow large; to increase.

3. FIG. To grow up or increase, as evil. Kanl. 29:17.

4. Hoo. To pay, as a tax; to collect taxes; hookaumahaia na makaainana e hookupu i kela mea waiwai i keia mea waiwai, the common people were burdened by being taxed on all sorts of property.

s. A vegetable; a thing sprouted up.

2. A tax. Hoo. A tax; a tribute to a ruler. Ezr. 6:8.

3. One whose ancestors were born where he himself was and vice versa.

4. One who is mischievous or lawless. Laieik. 104. He kupu oe, hookahi no mea i kolohe i ka’u. See EU.

adj. Thick, as paste.

2. Hoo. Hookupu hapaumi, a little tax. Kanl. 26:12.

Kupu (kū'-pū'), adj.

/ kū'-pū' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Thick, as paste.

Kupu (kū'-pu), n.

/ kū'-pu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A vegetable growth; a sprout.

2. Offspring; offshoots from a single source.

Kupu (kū'-pu), v.

/ kū'-pu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To sprout; to spring up; to grow, as vegetation; to shoot out buds; to open out, as leaves or blossoms.

2. To grow large: to increase.

3. Fig. To grow up or increase as good or evil.

One whose ancestors were born where he himself was born and vice versa.

To sprout, spring up, grow, as vegetables. See nopu.

One who is mischievous or lawless.

to sprout.

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