Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvt., To burn, blaze, kindle, scorch, sear, brand, earmark (cattle); to etch, in leather; blaze, scar, brand.

  • References:
    • PPN tungi.

2. n., Postmark, seal; to stamp

3. n., Type of black magic that results in the death of a sorcerer, achieved by burning an object taken from the corpse of the sorcerer's victim; to practice kuni. Pebbles and kukui nuts used for discovering the sorcerer were wrapped in tapa such as ʻaeokahaloa, ʻēkahaloa, ʻōʻūholowai, and puakai.

  • References:
    • (Malo, Chapter 28).

4. vi., To pursue at full speed.

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v. To kindle, as a fire. Oihk. 10:6. To light, as a lamp.

2. To blaze up and burn, as a fire; to consume. Oihk. 1:9.

3. To burn, as a sacrifice. Oihk. 4:19.

4. To burn, as a fever.

5. To touch off, as a cannon.

6. To scorch or burn, as with a blaze of fire.

s. A fever; the ague and fever.

2. The heat of the sun.

3. The burning of lime; kuni hao, the branding of cattle.

4. The name of a prayer connected with sorcery and with praying people to death.

5. The practice of sorcery; the same as anaana.

Kuni (kū'-ni), n.

/ kū'-ni / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A fever; the ague.

2. The heat of the sun.

3. A mark made with fire, a live coal or heated iron; tattoo mark.

4. The name of a prayer connected with sorcery and with praying people to death.

5. The practice of sorcery; the same as anaana.

Kuni (kū'-ni), v.

/ kū'-ni / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To kindle, as a fire. To light, as a lamp.

2. To blaze up and burn, as a fire; to consume with fire.

3. To burn, as a sacrifice.

4. To burn, as a fever.

5. To touch off, as a cannon.

6. To scorch or burn, as with a blaze of fire.

7. To burn or put a mark upon; to stamp; to fix indelibly on the skin, as in tattooing.

To burn and sear the skin in mourning; to practice sorcery; to burn as a sacrifice.

Fever, ague.

to kindle; burn, or light.

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