Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ kū.mū / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. n., Goatfish (Parupeneus porphyreus 🌐). The stages of growth are kolokolopā, ʻahuluhulu, kūmū aʻe, and the adult kūmū.

2. vs., Good-looking, handsome, especially of a sweetheart.

  • Source:
    • Modern slang

3. n., A variety of red-stalked taro; varieties are qualified by the terms ʻeleʻele, kea, kū loa poni, ʻulaʻula, welo-welo lā.

Nā LepiliTags: fauna fish flora kalo

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. n., Bottom, base, foundation, basis, title (as to land), main stalk of a tree, trunk, handle, root (in arithmetic); basic; hereditary, fundamental.

  • Examples:
    • Mai ke kumu ā ka wēlau, from trunk to tip [all, entirely].
  • References:

2. n., Teacher, tutor, manual, primer, model, pattern.

3. n., Beginning, source, origin; starting point of plaiting.

4. n., Reason, cause, goal, justification, motive, grounds, purpose, object, why.

  • Examples:
    • Kumu no ka ʻoki male, grounds for divorce.
    • Kumu ʻole, without reason or cause.
    • He aha ke kumu i ʻeha ai kou wāwae? What is the reason for your foot hurting?

5. n., An article bought, sold or exchanged; price.

  • Examples:
    • Kumu lilo, price paid, cost.
    • Kumu loaʻa, selling price.
  • References:

6. n., Herd, flock.

7. n., Tenon (RSV), socket (KJV).

  • References:
    • Puk. 26.19.

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kikino, Cause.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word
  • References:
    • See other entries for kumu and hopena.

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kikino, End of a sporting field or court.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: sports

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No base definition, only supplemental content.

Nā LepiliTags: math

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1. s., The bottom or foundation of a thing, as the bottom of a tree or plant, but not the roots; as, kumu laau, the bottom of a tree; kumu maia, banana stumps for planting; the stump of a tree; the stalk or stem of plants; the but end of a log, &c.; hence,

2. s., The beginning of a thing, as work or business.

3. s., The foundation, that is, the producing cause.

4. s., An example; a pattern; a copy; kumu hoohalike, a pattern; a model. Puk. 25:9. A socket. Puk. 26:19.

5. s., A fountain of water.

6. s., The price of a thing, or the property to be given for a valuable.

7. s., The property to be paid for hire. NOTE.—Formerly all trade among Hawaiians consisted of barter, and the price of a thing was not a cash price, but one article became the kumu of another if it could be exchanged for it.

8. s., A shoal of fish; a flock; a herd; kumu puaa, a herd of swine; kumu hipa, a flock of sheep.

9. s., Civil power; legal authority. NOTE. The word mana, out of its ancient and legitimate meaning, has lately been used for power or legal authority.

10. s., A teacher; an instructor from the highest to the lowest class, including the ministers of religion.

(11. s., A cough; a hard breathing; a pestilence; he mai ahulau, he mai kumu, he aheahe; this is a vicious pronunciation for kunu. See KUNU.) Kumu ole, without cause. Ioan. 15:25. Kumu mua, elements of things. 2 Pet. 3:10.

12. s., A species of fish of a red color, forbidden to women to eat by the ancient kapus.

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1. v., To begin or commence a work; to make an experiment.

2. Hookumu. v., To found; to lay a foundation.

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n., A variety of goat fish (Pseudupeneus porphyreus)—Color, rich rosy red on back and top of head; paler on side with broken marks along center of scales. Formerly forbidden to women to eat.

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foundation. Land section, Kau, Hawaii.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Hawaiʻi

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v., See hookumu.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. n., The bottom or foundation of a thing, as the bottom of a tree or plant, but not the roots; as, kumu laau, the bottom of a tree; kumu maia, banana stumps for planting; the stump of a tree; the stalk or stem of plants; the butt end of a log, etc.; hence,

2. n., The beginning of a thing, as work or business.

3. n., The foundation, that is, the producing business.

4. n., Teacher.

5. n., Pattern; a model.

6. n., A first cause; origin; place of beginning; fountain head.

7. n., An article of traffic by exchange. (Formerly all trade among Hawaiians consisted of barter, and the price of a thing was not a cash price, but one article became the kumu of another if it could be exchanged for it.)

8. n., A great multitude in a common herd, as: kumu puaa, herd of swine.

9. n., That part of an instrument which when used is held in the hand.

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WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Site of a spring near Kūkūau, Hilo, Hawaiʻi. Children enjoyed diving and swimming here, but it is now filled in. Literally, source.

Nā LepiliTags: Hawaiʻi

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WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

Cove, surf site, Waimānalo, Oʻahu. At the north end of Kaupō Beach Park. This small bay was once a good spearfishing site for kumu and other reef fish. Also known as Baby Makapuʻu, The Bay. Literally, red goatfish.

Nā LepiliTags: Oʻahu

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Goatfish (Parupeneus porphyreus). The adult stage is called kūmū; the middle stage, ʻāhuluhulu.; the young stage, ʻōkūkū.


bottom, foundation, origin, tree trunk.

1. “There is no Hawaiian word which is the exact equivalent of ʻcondition,’ the word ʻkumu’ translated ʻconditions,’ used in the version, meaning ʻground’ or ʻconsiderations’.” Simerson v. Simerson, 20 Haw. 57, 66 (1910). 2. Consideration; reason, cause; grounds. 3. Title (as to land); reason, grounds, purpose, object (PE). 4. An article of traffic by exchange. Formerly all trade among Hawaiians consisted of barter, and the price of a thing was not a cash price, but one article became the kumu of another if it could be exchanged for it (AP). 5. Any area that is inland (SAM).

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