Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

n., Ray, as of the sun; radius of a circle; spoke of a wheel; antenna of a lobster; spike of hāʻukeʻuke, a sea urchin; feeler of any creature; pistil of a flower; gate, door, or gable post; end post of a Hawaiian house other than the main post and the corner posts (Malo 119).

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Spoke, as on a bicycle wheel; antenna, as of a lobster, insect, television, etc.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino Ray, as in geometry. Dic., ext. mng. Also wāwae, ʻaoʻao.

s. The rays of the sun or any luminous body.

2. The radii of a circle; the spokes of a wheel.

3. The end posts of a native house which verge towards the center.

4. The side posts of a door, i. e., of an ancient Hawaiian house.

5. A gate post; eha kukuna i kukuluia no ka pa; well posts; a elua kukuna i kukuluia no ka punawai.

Kukuna (kū'-kū'-na), n.

/ kū'-kū'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The rays of the sun or any luminous body.

2. The radii of a circle; the spokes of a wheel.

3. The end posts of a native house which verge towards the center.

4. The side posts of a door, that is, of an ancient Hawaiian house.

5. A gate post: eha kukuna i kukuluia no ka pa, well posts; a elua kukuna i kukuluia no ka punawai.

Radius of a circle.

End post of a house; gate post; door. (RA.)

rays; radii.

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