Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. n. Square. Eng. Kamaki Kuea, Thomas Square. Kapuaʻi kuea, square foot.

2. vt. To swear. Eng. ʻŌlelo kuea, oath.

3. n. Squad (military). Eng.

n., Star name (no data).

  • References:
    • Kuhelani.

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kikino Frame, as in bowling; space, as on a game board such as Monopoly. Dic., ext. mng. See kapuaʻi kuea. Kuea maika. Bowling frame. Kuea huki pepa. Chance space, in Monopoly.

v. A contraction of kuewa. To wander about; to have no home. See KUEWA.

s. A Wanderer; a friendless man.

Kuea (kŭ-e'a), n.

/ kŭ-e'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A wanderer; a friendless man.

Kuea (kŭ-e'a), v.

/ kŭ-e'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Contraction of kuewa.] To wander about; to have no home. Syn: Kuewa.



Word borrowed from the English word “square.”

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