/ KU-A-NU-I /1. adj., Kua, back, and nui, great, Big-backed, i. e., awkward, in doing something more or besides what was required, and thus spoiling what he tried to do; or doing a thing in his own way in opposition to the will of him for whom he works.
2. adj., Obstinate; self-willed; he alii kuanui, a chief that will have his own way; aole kuanui o Parao, he hewa maoli no.
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/ kū'-ă-nū'-i /[Kua, back, and nui, great.]
1. adj., Big-backed, that is, awkward, in doing something more than was required, and thus spoiling what he tried to do; or doing a thing in his own way in opposition to the will of him for whom he works.
2. adj., Obstinate; self-willed: he alii kuanui a chief who will have his own way; aole kuanui o Parao, he hewa maoli no.
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