Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

nvi. Travail of childbirth, especially bearing-down pain; to suffer labor. Fig., uncontrolled anger.

s. Pain; distress, as of a woman in child-birth. FIG. Isa. 13:8. He kuakoko nei ka wahine, o ka mea ikaika loa no ia. a hiki mai ke kuakoko hanau.

v. To travail; to have the pains of child-birth. Isa. 23:4.

adj. Of or belonging to child-birth. Isa. 21:3.

Kuakoko (kŭ'-ā-kŏ'-ko), adj.

/ kŭ'-ā-kŏ'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Of or belonging to childbirth.

Kuakoko (kŭ'-ā-kŏ'-ko), n.

/ kŭ'-ā-kŏ'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Pain; distress, as of a woman in childbirth. He kuakoko nei ka wahine, o ka mea ikaika loa no ia, a hiki mai ke kuakoko hanau.

2. The results of uncontrolled emotions.

Kuakoko (kŭ'-ā-kŏ'-ko), v.

/ kŭ'-ā-kŏ'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To travail; to have the pains of childbirth.

Pains of childbirth; to travail. (Isa. 23:4.)

Pain, distress, as a woman in childbirth.

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