Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ kua.kahi / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. vs., Once, singly; first; single, unwedded, unmarried.

  • Examples:
    • I hea ʻoe i ka wā kuakahi a kuʻu kino? Where were you while I was single?
  • References:

2. vs., Three generations removed, as great-grandparent (kupuna kuakahi) and great-grandchild (moʻopuna kuakahi), as distinguished from a great-great-grandchild (moʻopuna kualua) and a great-great-grandparent (kupuna kualua). Sometimes today kuakahi denotes two generations removed.

3. Unobstructed, unhampered, free from interference; straight to the point, without deviation, as a story.

  • Examples:
    • E mihi mua i ka hewa, a wehewehe i nā hoʻohihia i kuakahi ka lāʻau, first repent of wrong doings, free [your mind] of problems, so the medicine will be free to work [common advice of old medical kāhuna].

4. (Cap.) n., Far mythical land, a rendezvous of spirits; homeland of the ancestors.

Nā LepiliTags: family

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s. The third generation of a series, that is, the third from the parent. Puk. 20:5. Thus, first, the parent, makua; second, the child, keiki; third, the grandchild, kuakahi; moopuna kuakahi, a grandchild; he keiki na kana keiki aku.

adj. Name of a place indefinitely known, or rather not known, but considered to be far off; oi noho kou uhane ma puu Kuakahi.


/ kū'-ă-kā'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., A place not known, but considered to be far off: oi noho kou uhane ma puu Kuakahi, while your spirit dwells in Kuakahi assembly.

2. n., Place supposed to be a rendezvous for departed spirits. It is said there were three of these places designated respectively as puu Kuakahi, Kualua and Kuakolu.

3. n., The third generation of a series, that is, the third from the parent, makua; second, the child, keiki; third, the grandchild, kuakahi; moopuna kuakahi, a grandchild: he keiki na kana keiki aku.

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