Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


n., Border or bank as between taro patches or cultivated fields.

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s. The side or border of a kalo patch; the border of a cultivated plot; the separating line between two fields. See KUAAUNA.

Kuaio (kū'-ā-io), n.

/ kū'-ā-io / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A border of raised earth which marks the separating line between taro patches or cultivated fields. Syn: Kuauna.

1. A border of raised earth which marks the separating line between taro patches or cultivated fields, kuāuna (AP). 2. Border or bank as between taro patches or cultivated fields (PE). Also, kuāuna (ESH).

A precipitous descent from the peak (pane po ʻo or piko) of a mountain to the base of the kauhuhu mauna (SMK).

E huli iā “kuaio” ma Ulukau.

Search for “kuaio” on Ulukau.

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