Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvt., vs., To release, let go, discharge, abandon, free, dismiss, give up, yield, slacken; to pay out, as a line or cable; to settle, as earth; to diminish, as stream water; to fail to help (Kanl. 31.6); to finish, as a chant; to adjourn, put down, subside.

  • Figuratively, to be at peace (see idioms that follow).
  • Examples:
    • Kuʻu aku ʻoe, relax.
    • Kuʻu i ka ʻuhane (Kin. 35.29), to give up the ghost [die].
    • Kuʻu ka hanu, breath is abandoned [death].
    • Kuʻu ka luhi, to be freed from cares, to rest [die].
    • Kuʻu ka nae, to get one's breath, rest.
    • Kuʻu i ka luʻuluʻu, put down the burden.
    • Ke kuʻu ākea ʻana i nā paʻahao, parole of prisoners.
  • hoʻokuʻu Caus/sim.; To release, let go, put down, dismiss, send away, abandon, disperse, adjourn; to expel, as from school; to discharge, as from work; to free, acquit, let, permit, excuse, exempt, liberate; to settle, clear up; slope of a hill rare.
    • Hīmeni hoʻokuʻu, closing hymn.
    • Kī hoʻokuʻu, slack key.
    • Hihia ua hoʻokuʻu ʻia, case [of law] settled.
    • Hoʻokuʻu kāua, let's stop [as a meeting].
    • Hoʻokuʻu ʻia mai ka hopu ʻia ʻana, exemption from arrest.
    • Hoʻokuʻu maikaʻi, honorable discharge.
  • References:
    • PPN tuku.

2. nvt., Type of net let down from a canoe; gill net; to set or lower a net or catch in a net.

  • Examples:
    • E kuʻu ana ka iʻa (FS 243), the fish were being netted.
    • Kuʻu ka pua ʻamaʻama mai ka loko iʻa, net young mullets from the fish pond.
  • References:

3. possessive, My, mine (this form may replace both kaʻu and koʻu; it is frequently used before ipo and lei and kinship terms and expresses affection (see ex., kei #1).

  • References:
    • Gram. 8.4, 9.6.

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heheleintransitive verb Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

hehele, To land, as an airplane or bird.

  • Source:
    • Niʻihau.

Nā LepiliTags: Niʻihau

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

adj. pron., It is used for ko, koʻu and kaʻu, my, mine, what belongs to me. NOTE.—Kuu is often synonymous with koʻu and kaʻu, but as these apply to different things, and the speaker was at a loss which to use, it was proper, i. e., grammatical to use kuu; thus, Hawaiians say kaʻu keiki, koʻu hale, but not koʻu keiki or kaʻu hale; but it is correct enough to say kuu keiki and kuu hale. Gram. § 150, 4.

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v., To let go; to loosen; to release; to slacken, as a rope that is too tight; to let down, as by a rope; to let down from the shoulder. Kin. 24:18.

2. To dismiss or send away, as on an errand; to send away, as a messenger; to allow to come. Lunk. 13:8.

3. To put down, as one in authority; to dethrone.

4. To pay out, as a rope or cable in casting anchor.

5. To loose, i. e., to cast, as a net into the water for fish; to take fish in a net, i. e., to let down the net for them; to become calm, as the mind after intense anxiety; to be assuaged. Laieik. 77.

6. To give liberty; to suffer or permit to be done.

7. To cause to do; to suffer to be done. Kanl. 18:10.

8. E kuu i ka uhane, to give up the ghost; to die. Kin. 35:29.

9. To fail; to give up; to cease to help. Kanl. 31:6, 8.

10. Hookuu. To excuse; to let go; to send away, as a multitude. Puk. 3:18.

11. To lead out of an inclosure; to deliver from difficulty; to set free from; e hoomaha, pau ka nae make.

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kikinonoun / KUU / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. s., A releasing; a letting go.

2. s., The act of taking fish in a net. NOTE. This idea is more from letting down the net than from insnaring the fish. See the verb 5.

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kikinonoun / KUU / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., The name of a species of fish net; he upena kuu.

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kikinonoun / ku'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., A releasing; a letting go.

2. n., The act of taking fish in a net. (This idea is more from letting down the net than from insnaring the fish.)

3. n., Name in general of all nets for catching fish, except the scoop net called kioe.

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papanipronoun / ku'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

poss. pron., My; mine; belonging to me; what belongs to me.

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1. v., To let go; to loosen; to release; to slacken, as a rope that is too tight; to let down, as by a rope; to let down from the shoulder.

2. v., To loose, that is, to cast, as a net into the water for fish; to take fish in a net, that is, to let down the net for them.

3. v., To become calm, as the mind after intense anxiety; to be assuaged. Laieik. p. 77.

4. v., To give liberty.

5. v., To cause to do; to suffer or permit to be done.

6. v., To dismiss: e kuu i ka uhane, to give up the ghost; to die.

7. v., To fail; to give up.

8. v., To cease to help.

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To let down a net for fish.

To let a net down for fish.

my, mine: to release, let go.

1. Mine, my; to release, abandon, let go, free. 2. A releasing, a letting go, to release, to give liberty, to dismiss; my, mine, belonging to me (AP). Also, hoʻokuʻu.

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