1. n. A tree found on shores from East Africa to Polynesia (Cordia subcordata), with large, ovate leaves, and orange, tubular flowers 2.5 to 5 cm in diameter, borne in short-stemmed clusters. The beautiful wood, soft but lasting, was valuable to the early Hawaiians and was used for cups, dishes, and calabashes. (Neal 714–5.) (PPN tou.)
2. (Cap.) n. Old name for Honolulu harbor and vicinity, famous rendezvous for kōnane checkers. Hui aku nā maka i Kou (saying), the eyes [friends] will meet at Kou.
3. poss. Your, yours (o-form, singular; Gram. 8.4, 9.6). (PNP tou, PEP to(o)u.)