Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ kono.hiki / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

n., Headman of an ahupuaʻa land division under the chief; land or fishing rights under control of the konohiki; such rights are sometimes called konohiki rights.

  • References:
    • PPN tongafiti.

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/ KO-NO-HI-KI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. s., The head man of an ahupuaa.

2. A person who has charge of a land with others under him; o ka mea ai aina, he konohiki ia.

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/ kŏ'-nŏ-hī'-ki / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., The head man of an ahupuaa, a land division.

2. n., A person who has charge of a land with others under him: o ka mea ai aina, he konohiki ia; the one who occupies land (under a chief) is a konohiki.

3. n., An agent who managed the chief's lands.

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/ ko-no-hi'ki / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

head man of a land division. Stream, Kawaihau, Kauai.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Kauaʻi

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WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Stream, Kawaihau district, Kauaʻi.

  • Literally, land overseer.

Nā LepiliTags: Kauaʻi

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Fishing rights, named after the manager of such rights, the konohiki. See pono kai lawaiʻa.

Superintendent of an ahupuaʻa under a chief.

Manager of the land of an ahupuaʻa under the chief.

overseer of chief’s estate.

1. Land agent. Keelikolani v. Robinson, 2 Haw. 522, 544 (1862). 2. Agent appointed by the chief. (It is only in the later statutes that the chiefs or landlords are referred to as konohikis.) Territory v. Bishop Trust Co., Ltd., 41 Haw. 358, 361-362 (1956). 3. “Konohiki, when used as a noun, designated the person having charge of the land in behalf of the king or chief or other person to whom the ahupuaa had been assigned or awarded, but the word ʻkonohiki’ is in common use as an adjective denoting land which is privately owned in contradistinction to ʻaupuni’ or government land.” In re Title of Kioloku, 25 Haw. 357, 360 (1920). 4. Chief or landlord. State v. Hawaiian Dredging Co., 48 Haw. 152, 182 (1964). 5. “Konohiki means ʻa head man of an ahupuaʻa land division’.” McBryde Sugar Co. v. Robinson, 54 Haw. 174, 178 (1973). 6. Landlord. Territory v. Bishop Trust Co., 41 Haw. 597 (1957) (Territory II); Carter v. Territory, 14 Haw. 465, 473 (1902). 7. Head men under the chiefs or other persons (the landowners). Homer v. Kumuliilii, 10 Haw. 174, 178 (1895). 8. Head man of an ahupuaʻa land division under the chief; land or fishing rights under control of the konohiki-, such rights are often called konohiki rights (PE). 9. The head man of an ahupuaʻa, a land division; a person who has charge of a land with others under him; an agent who managed the chief’s lands (AP). 10. Landholder (HRH). 11. Land belonging to a konohiki.

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