Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vt., To invite, ask in, entice, induce, prompt.

2. vt., To attract the attention of a bird, as by imitating its call, and then to snare it, as with gummed ʻieʻie roots. ʻUaʻu birds were snared thus.

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1. v., To lead one along to any place. Nah. 22:41.

2. To take along, as a servant. Kin. 22:3.

3. To invite, as a guest; to take in company. 2 Sam. 13:23.

4. To imitate; to go along slowly, as foot travelers; e kono mau ana i ka lae kahakai. Laieik. 157.

5. To take, as one's wife in company. 1 Kor. 9:5.

6. Hookono. To hasten; to hurry; to send away.

7. To set on, as dogs; to set one against another. See konokono.

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1. v., To solicit; to invite; to persuade; to ask.

2. v., To notify to come or do.

3. v., To cite.

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to solicit, invite.

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