Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


vi., To throb, pulsate, tingle, beat; to flutter, as the heart; to tug, as small fish on baited hook.

  • Examples:
    • ʻEha koni, throbbing ache; figuratively, pangs of love.
    • Koni au, koni au i ka wai, koni au i ka wai huʻihuʻi (song), I throb, I throb for liquor, I am eager for cool liquor.
  • References:
    • PNP tongi.

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v. To try; to taste; to make proof of by tasting.

2. To try, as one's constancy or affection.

3. To throb, as the pulse; to be in pain of body or mind; to be jealous; to suffer from apprehension or fear.

4. Hoo. To try the quality of a thing by experiment; hookoni hele aku la lakou i kahi e ono ai ka wai, they went along tasting till they found sweet water.

s. The beating or throbbing of the pulse or heart. See API.

2. The thumping, as on a melon to try its ripeness.

3. A trial of strength or ability; make-make na kamalii i ka hele no ke koni o ka wawae.

adj. Beating; throbbing; painful.

Koni (kō'-ni), adj.

/ kō'-ni / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Beating; throbbing; painful.

Koni (kō'-ni), n.

/ kō'-ni / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The beating or throbbing of the pulse or heart. Syn: Api.

2. The thumping, as on a melon to try its ripeness.

3. A trial of strength or ability: makemake na kamalii i ka hele no ke koni o ka wawae.

4. Eager wish, to do, obtain or enjoy.

Koni (kō'-ni), v.

/ kō'-ni / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To try; to taste; to test by tasting.

2. To try, as one's constancy or affection.

3. To throb, as the pulse; to be in pain of body or mind; to be jealous; to suffer from apprehension or fear.

4. To try the quality of a thing by experiment: hookoni hele aku la lakou i kahi e ono ai ka wai; they went along tasting till they found sweet water.

to throb; to taste, to try.

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