Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. vs., Raw, as meat; inflamed; red, as a raw wound or as red earth.

  • Examples:
    • Kole ka ihu, nose inflamed with cold.
    • Kole ka waha, wrangling and quarrelsome.
    • Kole ke ahi, fire that won't burn because of the dampness of the wood.
    • Kole ka ʻāina, the land is bare and red.
    • Mālama o kole ka lae, careful or your forehead will be skinned.
  • References:

2. n., Weak and spent, as an old plant.

3. n., Surgeonfish (Ctenochaetus strigosus 🌐).

  • Examples:
    • Kole maka onaona, sweet-eyed kole [said of attractive people, as the eye of this fish is considered beautiful].

4. nvt., Story; to tell stories, talk.

  • Source:
    • English.

Nā LepiliTags: health fauna fish

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1. v., To be red, like raw meat; to be inflamed, as the eyes; as a wound; to be raw, as flesh with the skin off.

2. To shave the hair of the head closely.

3. To cause one to be naked; e hooolohelohe.

Nā LepiliTags: health

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kikinonoun / KO-LE / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. s., Redness; inflamed eyes, &C.

2. Name of a fish.

Nā LepiliTags: health fauna fish

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. adj., Raw, as meat not fully cooked.

2. Inflamed; red, as an inflamed wound.

3. Used adverbially, you are denied; you are nothing, as in the sentence kolekole kou maka, i. e., the corner of your eye is red or pulu; down! you see that you are up a stump. See also kolekolemaka.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. adj., Raw, as meat not fully cooked.

2. adj., Inflamed; red, as an inflamed wound.

3. adj., Used proverbially, as you are denied; you are nothing, as in the sentence kolekole kou maka, that is, the corner of your eye is red or pulu; down! you see that you are up a stump. See also kolekolemaka. Equivalent to "nothing doing."

Nā LepiliTags: health metaphors

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1. n., Redness; the being red, as raw flesh.

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n., A brown fish about eight to ten inches long. It takes its name from the redness of its eyes.

Nā LepiliTags: fauna fish

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To be red, like raw meat.

2. v., To be inflamed, as the eyes; as a wound.

3. v., To be raw, as flesh with the skin off.

Nā LepiliTags: health

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iʻoaproper noun / ko'-le / WahiLocation, Parker (1922),

red. Mountain, Hamakua, Hawaii.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Hawaiʻi

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Story; to tell stories.

Yellow-eyed surgeonfish (Ctenochaetus strigosus). Has a yellow ring around the eye and a brown body. It lives in shallow water on the reef and reaches a length of 7 inches. Also called ʻoʻopu mākole.

Inflamed, red, as a raw wound.

raw; inflamed.

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