Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ koi.koi / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

Reduplication of koi #1.

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/ koʻi.koʻi / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

nvs., Weight, responsibility; stress, accent; heavy, weighty; prominent, prime, urgent, serious, influential; emphatic, stressed; harsh, severe.

  • Examples:
    • Aia ke koʻikoʻi ma kēia hua ʻōlelo, the stress is on this word.
    • Maluna oʻu kēlā koʻikoʻi, that responsibility is on me.
    • Koʻikoʻi ka leo, loud, authoritative voice.

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/ KO-I-KO-I / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

v. See KOI. To urge; to be hard upon; to be heavy.

2. To carry a heavy burden on a stick in two bundles.

3. To ask; to entreat with perseverance.

4. Hoo. To compel; to exercise authority over.

5. To bear down upon; to treat with rigor or violence.

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s. Substance; strength; spirit.

2. Honor; substance. Iob. 21:7.

3. Weight; heaviness; solidity; riches.

4. Hoo. Rigor; severity. Puk. 1:13.

adj. Heavy; weighty. Sol. 27:3.

2. Substantial; honorable; valiant, as persons of integrity. 2. Sam. 23:19.

3. Applied to words or speech, full of meaning; emphatic; also, rough; inconsiderate; olelo koikoi, a rough speech. Kin. 4:2,7. Poe koikoi, honorable persons. Ios. 14:1.

4. Hoo. Oppressive; hard; cruel. Zek. 10:4.

Koikoi (ko'i-ko'i), adj.

/ ko'i-ko'i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Heavy; weighty.

2. Substantial; honorable; valiant, as persons of integrity: poe koikoi, honorable persons.

3. Applied to words or speech: full of meaning; emphatic; also, rough; inconsiderate: olelo koikoi, a rough speech.

Koikoi (ko'i-ko'i), n.

/ ko'i-ko'i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Substance: strength; spirit.

2. Honor; substance.

3. Weight; heaviness; solidity.

4. Rigor; severity. See hookoikoi.

Koikoi (ko'i-ko'i), v.

/ ko'i-ko'i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be heavy; to have material weight.

2. To be weighty; to be important; to have influence.

Koikoi (kō'-ĭ-kō'-i), v.

/ kō'-ĭ-kō'-i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Freq. of koi, to urge, to insist upon.] To urge persistently.

To urge; to be hard upon; to entreat with perseverance; responsibility, weight; to stress, emphasize.

heavy, substantial, honorable.

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