Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi., To urge, implore, persuade, compel, require, insist on, ask insistently, demand, claim, pull; requirement.

  • Examples:
    • Hana i ka mea a ke kānāwai i koi mai ai, doing what the law commands.
  • References:

2. n., Fishing pole, pole fishing (same as the more common mākoi).

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v. To use force with one, either physical or moral.

2. To urge; to entreat one to do or not to do a thing; to compel by entreaty.

3. To tempt; to be led to do a thing. Kanl. 4:19. Koi ae la lakou ia ia (ia Liholiho) e aie, they urged him (Liholiho) to go in debt.

4. To drive; to urge with violence; to compel by force; to insist on a thing; to practice any athletic exercise; e koi mau a mama i ka holo.

5. To ask or invite one to go in company with him.

6. To take aside to ask a favor.

7. To carry a bundle on the shoulders of two men on a stick between them.

8. To drive or force in, as a nail or spike into wood; to force one thing into another.

9. To flow or rush like rushing water over a dam or any obstruction.

10. To put in the stick or vine on which kukui nuts are strung; e koi i ke kukui.

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s. A compulsion; an urging, &c.

2. A small adze; koi lipi, a hatchet.

3. A projecting forehead, i. e., a sharp face; he law koi kou, an insulting expression.

4. The name of a species of kalo.

5. The name of a play; a sort of race in sliding; ina i ao i ka pahee. ame ka hooholo moa, ame ke koi; he mau ikaika pili waiwai.

6. The name of a splinter of bamboo on which kukui nuts are strung.

7. An indolent person wanting energy or decision in action.

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adj., Shrill; sharp; fine, as a voice on a high key.

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adj., Shrill; sharp; fine, as a voice in a high ley.

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n., A compulsion; an urging, etc.

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1. n., Ax; adze.

2. n., Any tool used to give a smooth or plain surface. (See compounds of koi for the specific names.)

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1. v., To urge; to entreat; to ask earnestly; to implore.

2. v., To tempt.

3. v., To flow over, as water flows over a dam.

4. v., To put on a string or rod, as in stringing flowers for a wreath or placing kukui nuts on a rod for a candle.

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Child’s sliding game.

  • References:
    • See kahuakōī.

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Fishing pole for use in the nao maka lua (fish-basket trap) made of ʻinalua vines. See mākoi, mōkoi.

To urge, to entreat someone to do or not do something. Koi ae la lākou iāia, Liholiho e ʻaiʻē, they urged him, Liholiho, to go into debt.

to urge, implore; tempt.

1. To make a claim. Kalama v. Kekuanaoa, 2 Haw. 202, 206 (1859).

2. Urge, implore, require, demand, claim, sue (PE).

3. To urge, to entreat, to ask earnestly, to implore (AP).

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