v. To use force with one, either physical or moral.
2. To urge; to entreat one to do or not to do a thing; to compel by entreaty.
3. To tempt; to be led to do a thing. Kanl. 4:19. Koi ae la lakou ia ia (ia Liholiho) e aie, they urged him (Liholiho) to go in debt.
4. To drive; to urge with violence; to compel by force; to insist on a thing; to practice any athletic exercise; e koi mau a mama i ka holo.
5. To ask or invite one to go in company with him.
6. To take aside to ask a favor.
7. To carry a bundle on the shoulders of two men on a stick between them.
8. To drive or force in, as a nail or spike into wood; to force one thing into another.
9. To flow or rush like rushing water over a dam or any obstruction.
10. To put in the stick or vine on which kukui nuts are strung; e koi i ke kukui.