Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



1. Remainder, residue, remnant, surplus, scraps, leftovers, balance (in accounts), remains, ruins. Cf. koe #1. Ke koe koena, naʻu ia, when leftovers remain, that's for me. (PPN toenga.)

2. A scratching, raking.

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kikino Remainder, difference, in math. Dic. Abb. K.

kikino Change, as from a purchase. Dic., ext. mng. Cf. kālā heleleʻi.

s. Contracted from koe and ana. The remainder; an overplus; a rem- nant of something larger or more numerous; hence,

2. The ruins of anything. Ios. 10:20.

Koena (kō'-ē'-na), n.

/ kō'-ē'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The remainder; an overplus; a remnant of something larger or more numerous; hence,

2. The ruins of anything; what is left.


1. Remainder, surplus, balance (in accounts) (PE). 2. The remainder; what is left (AP).

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