1. vs., Naked, exposed, of a male. Figuratively, dissipated, debauchee (Laie 501), dissolute.
- References:
- See kole koaka.
2. Quarter.
- Source:
- English.
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1. vs., Naked, exposed, of a male. Figuratively, dissipated, debauchee (Laie 501), dissolute.
2. Quarter.
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n., Coral shoal with rough sea where two or more opposing currents meet. Figuratively, valiant. (1 Sam. 14.52.) Literally, dashing coral.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. v., To be continually changing one's residence; to go here and there.
2. To marry wives and go and leave them.
3. To act the debauchee.
1. s., A debauchee; one who marries wives and puts them away again; he moekolohe pinepine.
2. English. The Hawaiian pronunciation for quarter, i.e., a quarter (of a dollar.)
3. Name of the place where a retreating wave meets one coming in, in shallow water. See PUAO.
adj., See koaa. Valiant; brave; applied to men. 1Sam. 14:52. He keiki koaka nae (Halaaniani.) Laieik. 128.
adj., Lustful; licentious; unchaste: He keiki koaka nae (Halaaniani). Laieik. p. 128.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. n., One who marries wives and puts them away again: he moekolohe pinepine.
2. n., A profligate.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
n., The Hawaiian pronunciation for quarter; a quarter of a dollar.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
n., [Koa, coral, and ka, to dash.] Name of a place or places where two or more opposing currents meet on coral shoals causing a disturbance of the sea.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. v., To be continually changing one's residence; to lead a vagabond life.
2. v., To marry wives and go and leave them.
3. v., To act the debauchee.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
a debauchee. Land section, Oʻahu.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
To act the debauchee; a dissolute.
Quarter, of a dollar.
Place where a retreating wave meets one coming in, as over a coral shoal. This dashing process may dislodge and move pieces of coral. See puaʻō.
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