Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi., Intense; to intensify, usually but not always pejorative, often followed by a qualifier; translations vary greatly and depend on context; very common in Kelekona; distress, pain.

  • Examples:
    • Ua hiki mai kona kipona huhū, his worst of bad tempers is here; he has flown into a rage.
    • Malalo hoʻi a nā kipona wela hahana a ka lā, beneath the suffocating intense heat of the sun.
    • I loko o nā kipona o ka meha anoano ʻeʻehia (Kel. 6), in the distress of loneliness, solitude, fear.
    • Nā kipona o ka maʻi (Kel. 6), the distress of sickness.
    • Nā kipona o nā ʻano hana hou, the fascination of newly made kinds.
    • Mamuli o nā kokoina hoʻomanaʻo i kipona ʻia e nā hāliʻaliʻa (Kel. 3), because of the urging of memories intensified by recollections.
    • Ke anu ʻiniki hōʻeha o nā kipona wehe ka iao (Kel. 21), the tingling painful cold of earliest dawn.

2. vi., Own.

  • Examples:
    • Nā kipona home o ka wahine ʻoni ʻo Hōpoe (Kel. 3), the own home of the dancing woman, Hōpoe.

3. vt., To make a hollow or round opening, like the eye socket; hollow.

4. vt., Mixed, mingled; varying in color or texture, as of the sea; to add to, as something of different character, as ferns to a lei.

  • Examples:
    • Ka wai kipona me ke kai, water mixed with sea water.
    • Kipona paukū i ka lauaʻe, ka pua o ka ʻilima nono i ka lā (chant for Ka-ʻiu-lani), add a section of lauaʻe fern [to] the flower of the ʻilima, bright in the sunlight.

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s. Variable places in the sea, some calm, some ruffled; hiki i na kipona ino o Kohala.

v. To be variable, as spots in the sea in a calm. See KIPONAPONA.

Kipona (kī-pō'-na), n.

/ kī-pō'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Variety of color. Variable places in the sea, some calm, some ruffled: Hiki i na kipona ino o Kohala.

Kipona (kī'-pō'-na), v.

/ kī'-pō'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To diversify in color; to dye or mark with various colors: E kipona iho oe i kuu lei, Mark my wreath with a variety of colors.


Kipona (kī'-pō'-na), v.

/ kī'-pō'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

2. To be variable, as spots in the sea in a calm. Syn: Kiponapona.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Place, Pālolo, Honolulu. (TM.) Lit., variegated colors.

Variegated areas in the sea; some calm, some ruffled.

E huli iā “kipona” ma Ulukau.

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