Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. numeral, Multitude, many; forty thousand.

  • Examples:
    • Ola nō ia kini i ka limu lomi lima o Kailua, the crowd thrives on the hand-massaged seaweed of Kailua.
  • References:
    • PEP tini.

2. n., King.

  • Source:
    • English
  • Examples:
    • Kini peki, king of spades.

3. n., Kin, relatives.

  • Source:
    • English

4. Also gini n., Gin.

  • Source:
    • English

5. Also tini n., Tin, pail, can.

  • Source:
    • English

6. n., Marble (a child's best marble in the game; kinikini is more common).

  • Source:
    • Probably English: tin

7. n., Zinc.

  • Source:
    • English

8. n., Guinea (coin).

  • Source:
    • English

9. n., Jean, Jane, Jennie.

  • Source:
    • English

Nā LepiliTags: math politics family foods limu geology economics names

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

See entries below. Une kini. Tab, as on soda cans. Une kini koloaka. Soda can tab.

iʻoa, Guinea.

Nā LepiliTags: geography

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

s. The number 40,000.

2. Any number indefinitely great.

3. A retinue of persons; a train following a chief, as in former times. 1 Nal. 10:2.

4. Kinsfolks; relations, &c.

5. Eng. Tin; as, pa kini, a tin plate; so written instead of pa tini.

s. Hawaiian orthography for gini, gin, a distilled foreign intoxicating liquor.

Kini (kī'-ni), n.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The number 40,000.

2. Any number indefinitely great.

3. Kinsfolks; relatives.

4. (Eng.) Tin; as, pa kini, a tin plate; so written instead of pa tini.

5. Gin.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Plaee, Ka-lihi Uka, Honolulu; sacred rock that attracted fish, Wai-mānalo, Oʻahu. Lit., Jane, Jean, or multitudes.

Tin, can or pail.

40,000; tin; gin; zinc.

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