Land divisions, Mauna Loa qd., south Hawaiʻi (UL 124); land division (at 9,620 feet), and Girl Scout camp, Wai-kiʻi qd., north Hawaiʻi. Peak and crater, Līhuʻe district, Kauaʻi (Macdonald and Abbott 389, figure 260). A boy, Lahi, and his uncle, while hunting ʻuwaʻu birds on the summit, lured a giant into a hole and killed him; warriors came to catch the bird hunters, but Lahi hid at a pass and threw the men one at a time over a cliff (HM 331, Rice). Lookout, Wai-mea Canyon, Kauaʻi (PH 183). Quadrangle, elementary school, and summit observatory, Hale-a-ka-lā, East Maui, now called White Hill. Summit of the mountain separating ʻUala-puʻe and Wai-lau; point near Ka-laʻe overlooking Ka-laupapa; park and school, ʻUala-puʻe, Molokaʻi. Peak at the head of Ka-lihi Valley, Honolulu. The sorceress Haumea (mother of Pele) lived here with her husband Wākea. While fishing at Heʻeia, she had a premonition of danger to her husband. She returned to Kilohana, left her fishing basket with its crabs and pōhuehue vines (which are still found there), and went down to Wai-ka-halulu (former reef off the Honolulu waterfront); men had tied up Wākea and were carrying him to Wai-kīkī for execu- tion. She begged permission for one last embrace. At her touch the bonds fell away and the two disappeared into a tree (HM 281). In some versions the tree was a breadfruit. Street, Ka-lihi Uka, Honolulu. Lit., lookout point or outer tapa or best, superior.