v. Kilakila ia e ku mai la, long may she (Laieikawai) stand there, as we say, long live the king. To express admiration of one's person. Laieik. 165.
v. Kilakila ia e ku mai la, long may she (Laieikawai) stand there, as we say, long live the king. To express admiration of one's person. Laieik. 165.
adj. Great; long; strong; stout; brave; applied to a person.
s. Height; grandeur; magnificance; applied to a mountain.
1. Tall; strong; stout; imposing, as a person.
2. Great; brave; applied to a person.
3. Majestic; inspiring admiration. Ku kilakila o Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea stands in majestic grandeur.
Height; grandeur; magnificence; applied to a mountain.
1. To express admiration of one: Kilakila ia e ku mai la; long may she (Laieikawai) stand there. (Laieik. p. 165.) (As we say, long live the king.)
2. To be beautiful.
3. To have poise that commands admiration.
Drive, ʻĀlewa Heights, Honolulu. Lit., magnificent.
Great, tall, imposing, admirable, as applied to a person.
tall, strong, great, brave, majestic.
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