Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvs. High place; strong, stout, bold. Rare. Cf. kilakila.

2. Also sila nvt. Seal, deed, patent, brand; sealed; to fix a seal. See palapala kila nui. Eng. Ua kila ʻia anei kāu palapala? Was your document sealed? Kēlā pūʻā kao … i hōʻailona ʻia me koʻu kila, that flock of goats … marked with my brand.

3. n. Steel, knife blade, chisel. Eng. Puʻuwai hao kila, a heart of steel [of courage].

4. nvt. Pen; to write with a pen. Probably Eng. quill. Rare.

5. n. Earmark, as on cattle

6. (Cap.) Also Sila n. Silas. Eng.

7. Also gila n. Gill, a small liquid measure. Eng.

kikino Chisel. Niʻihau/dic.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Narrow strip of land at the top of the cliff at Kahana, Oʻahu. (Sterling and Summers 4:144.)

Steel; steel flint for striking fire; general name for chisels.

Strong, stout, able, bold.


steel; chisel.

Seal. Also, sila.

Seal. Also, kila.

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